Great site by the way. Makes us alot hornier. Quite by accident, we discovered a way to increase my girlfriend's pleasure. Now, she will always drink alot of water before we have sex because as things progressed the pressure on her bladder would make her cum really hard. As soon as she finishes cumming she is up like a shot running to the bathroom to pee. One night I kept her right on the edge of cumming while getting to a point where I would cum at the same time. Finally she told me was desperate to cum and even more so to pee and as I started cumming she did as well and with me still inside of her began convulsing. Then she ran to the bathroom, came back and collapsed in bliss. It may be something your viewers might want to try? We have a great camera with night vision and I have a great picture of her cumming at the perfect moment. Hope you all enjoy and thanks! - Marco & Jane
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