Hi truth or dare pics.com,
While we were at a beach party with another guy I met there and his GF we sort-of played a version of truth or dare. After a lot of drinking and flirting between the lot of us at a beach party, we ended up seeing the other's boobs, butts, dicks and just would flash each other throughout the game on a dare by the other couple. It got to the point where we were starting to go at it while the other couple were watching. I had sex with my GF while we were standing. They watched and seemed very interested and into it. When I pulled out, he knelt and ate her ass out from behind! Without asking or anything. We all just watched in shock. I was turned-on as my erection got bigger, my GF was turned-on as her moaning can attest to and his GF was liking it as her breathing became heavier. After about 5 minutes of it they went back to their car and finished off while we did the same. We had sex again in the car and thought about what just happened and how hot it was. The other couple left and never said a word. I don't know if they were shy, embarrassed or just to drunk but we loved it. Nobody has ever touched her as my GF before and it was new for us, the whole game was. We haven't done anything like it again but we have read many of the dares on your site and have started chatting with a webcam and trying to duplicate the situation with other people. Here is a picture of her after one hot chat we had. - D &R
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