Girlfriends Being Naughty


Hi truth or dare pics,

My name is Jean and I have a best friend named Nancy who I love to bug and make uncomfortable whenever I can. She bugs me too but I am much better at it. A year ago I had sex with my boyfriend, while my best friend was sleeping on the floor next to us. Us three went for a trip one time, and we all had to sleep in the same hotel room. Needles to say we got horny, so we had sex twice. Once in my pussy, and once in my ass. It was very exciting and it was very hard to stay quiet. But Nancy heard nothing all the while we were two feet away from her, looking down at her while we were going at it! Nancy has a boyfriend who lives out of state so she often hangs out with us alot. I told her about it the next day, about how we were nude going at it 2 feet from her and that my boyfriend even touched her ass (not true and I told her so afterwards). All this made her uncomfortable and horny although she doesn't admit it. The first picture I sent is of me pulling down her pyjama bottoms while she slept with my boyfriend taking it. When I showed her the next day she almost killed me. Especially knowing my boyfriend saw and that she was exposed. But they got me back (see the second picture). The next one is me nude. nancy set it up with my boyfriend. I got dried off and came out of the shower not knowing he called her over quickly and went I came out she was ready with the camera. My BF held me down and she snapped the picture! I was set-up! So we were even and with my BF's encouragement decided to post them online which is making us both a little horny. Please let us know when they are up as we are waiting expectantly.




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