Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancer


Well my name is Amber I am a dancer in a local strip club & the episode in the pictures came about as a result of some drunk behavior while out with a male friend , we were out for a friendly drink & I got up to dance with a fellow from the bar, as we were dancing he brushed his hand across my breast, I got excited & my nipples got hard & it was apparent I was horny, we danced a few more dances & my friend dared me to grab his cock & flash him my hard nipples,once I did I was soaked, he said if I did he'd buy us all the rounds we could down. So I took him up on it, we got ripped ,maybe 3-5 drinks later & a few grabs of a nice hunk of cock, the stranger had to leave to go to work leaving me ,horny as hell & needing to relieve the pressure.My male friend suggested we get a room as we are both married & dared me to use a Vibrator & relieve myself.We went by my house, hubby was fast asl eep on the couch, I grabbed my toy & we went to his house for the camera.I wasn't uncomfortable getting naked for my friend but using a toy was another thing. We smoked a joint & I began by playing with my stiff nipples (pictures attached) & then went for my wet pussy, the result was a series of orgasms unlike I had ever felt.I wouldn't let my friend fuck me but he did lick my juices once or twice. I still see my friend all the time & we just smile at the thought of that gooey pussy & the great orgasms I had due to my grabbing a cock while while dancing with a stranger.& someone watching me get myself off, several times mind you.So was this a dare or blackmail? I don't know but I love to cum & that's all that mattered at that time & I would do it again if he jacked off on my tits while I did it. :)

Always Wet & Usually Satisfied

Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancer

Exotic Dancer


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