Daring Wife

Daring Wife


We read a dare on your site where this woman was driving around in her car naked. We love that too but go a bit further! Ok, alot further LOL. I enjoy going out at night in the car and showing my wife off at gas stations or drive through coffee shops. This picture we sent is her going through a Jack-in-the-Box drive-thru. That wasn't really planned which made it even hotter. The girl at the window saw but pretended not to notice. My wife's face was beet red with embarrassment. At least the girl gave us a big smile when we left. But our hottest story was from a gas station visit. I look for an out of town gas station with service, and ask the person pumping gas to check the oil and clean the windshield, while my wife pretends to be asleep with her skirt hiked up with nothing but stockings, garter belt high heels and an open blouse.

I ask the attendant if they have a bathroom, and walk away towards it. I usually go around the corner and watch as the guy oogles my wife's sexiness while cleaning the windshield. When going through the drive through coffee houses, again my wife pretends to be passed out or asleep, with the back rest reclined fully, and while I pay for the coffee at the window, I can see the young guys usually have a hard time keeping their eyes on the money I hand them as they stutter something back to me in excitement.

I once stopped by the sidewalk to ask directions to three 20 something young men, rolling my wife's window down on that side of the curb. They quickly noticed her skirt up and her stocking'd legs. I told them she was my secretary and that she had a too much to drink and I was driving her home to her husband. They said "lucky husband" After they gave me the directions I apparently needed, I told them as a thank you, they could give the "secretary" a quick feel if they wanted to. All 3 arms were up under her skirt and into her blouse instantly as they said "yeah sure thanks dude" as they chuckled in nervousness. My wife actually jumped briefly as she felt the hands on her, as that wasn't part of the plan. I let them finger her moist pussy a bit then decided to leave before things got out of control. Wife and I had the best sex ever that evening. - Darryl & Kelly


YOUR PENIS !!              
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