Cassie's Sex Confession Dare

Cassie's Sex Confession Dare

Hi Webmaster,

I found your site from a guy I was chatting with. He suggested we play truth or dare and I LOVED the idea. Most guys I chat with will say, "show me your boobs!" or something and I get turned off right away but this guy was fun. We talked for a bit about general things and then he suggested the game and I was all for it. I have done things like it before online as I love to chat once a week but nothing this revealing. He basically dared me to tell him my 3 most sexy masterbation times and send him one revealing pic of me with it. When I sent him the pictures he told me he nearly fell off his chair! LOL ... He then told me I should send them here. I had no idea so many people like truth or dare but am not surprised since it is FUN!!!! Ok so, here I go, 3 pictures of me (webmaster please crop my face in one) and my 3 masterbation sequences:

CLUB: I masturbated in a strip club once. We were there for a bachelorette. I was watching this Hot guy oon stage dancing in a teeny G string...which showed more then he thought! So I started to finger myself under the table discreetly. I came hard but nobody heard because of the loud music.

PARKING LOT: I once was waiting for my friend in the car in the parking lot at Wal-Mart. Feeling a bit horny I decided to hike up my skirt a little and see what I could get away with. The thought that I might be seen made it all that more exciting.

BUS: I once masturbated on the city bus .... I got really turned on by the bumpy ride LOL .

- Cassie

Cassie's Sex Confession Dare

Cassie's Sex Confession Dare



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