Butt Dare

Butt Dare

To truthordarepics,

I've been seeing a new guy and he's totally great about complimenting my butt, says he loves it all the time, but yesterday he told me he couldn't help it, he just had to tell his friend he wants to bite it, kiss it and lick it. I was really really embarrassed that he told a friend that. It's not embarassing if he tells me but a friend? OMG:O I don't know why he would tell someone he hangs out with that much detail. Now when I see his friend I know he'll be looking at it and that makes me feel horny and embarrassed. Uncomfortable yes, but not the end of the world. So when his friend finally did come over he said "hi" and then said to my bf, "yep, you're right!" and smiled thinking I knew nothing of what they were saying. Needless to say I turned bright red and turned away pretending I needed to use the bathroom. I shut the door and noticed I was also excited. The rest of the night went like normal but my bf and I had sex when he left and we talked about it. He then suggested I post a picture of it online (knowing how turned on I was) while we were going at it and that turned me on so much I agreed. But then I wasn't sure and he said not to worry my face wouldn't show. So we took some pictures the next day and I looked them over feeling embarrassed again that we were looking at my bare butt. I decided on this one attatched and feel assured enough that nobody could notice me. Please don't post my name or email address and tell me when it's posted so I can be embarrassed and thrilled all over again knowing thousands of people will be looking at it OMG!!!!!! - LK


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