Hi truthordarepics,
I am just like one of the other girls on your site. When my partner is having hot sex with me ( male or female) I love for us to talk dirty, it turns me on so much. When a guy is mounting me to hear him say what he is going to do in the rudest way, soon has me gushing like mad. A man can push me over the edge just by whispering something filthy in my ear at the right time.
Dirty talk is a wonderful way to explore the edge of sex. Whispering the dark secrets, or telling what you are going to do to them in a crowded bar, or even alone in the woods. All of it is just a fantastic way to build the climax.
If you are not used to hearing it from you partner, it can be particularly erotic. Here's a tip- Girls: if you ever find yourself in that position where you are having sex and it needs a bit of a boost, then try the dirty talk. If you verbalize anything about a guy's orgasm, he probably won't be able to take too much more. Degree of dirtyness can affect timing. For example: "Cum for me baby" might set him off in less than a minute. "I want you to pull it out and cum all over me!" might reduce that by half. I am sure you can think of dirtier things to say.
As you have probably guessed by now I LOVE it terribly and love reading stories about it. Thanks for a wonderful site and enjoy my picture of me saying something dirty while my partner clicked away (it explains the wicked smile). - Alanah