This Sex Dare picture was sent in by Paul.
"I've suggested to my wife that we start a sexual suggestion box. We will each have a box and put suggestions in it for each other. Then once a week we will pull a suugestion out of each other's box and either do it or reject it. If you reject it, you have to tell the other person why. That way you know what he or she won't do or isn't comfortable with. It's also a good way to suggest something you may not want to actually talk about but would live to do. My wife likes the idea and I picked up two inexpensive lock boxes. Well the first suggestion was more of a dare, a sex dare to be exact. The suggestion was that we were to have sex, take a picture without our faces showing so we couldn't be identified and post it online for all to see. So this is our first suggestion. Depending on what's next, we may post more..."