I am away for work and my wife texts me in the middle of a lunch meeting asking what I'm doing.
I tell her and then she replies, 'Well then show them these! I'm sure it will help close the deal." And then attached were these pictures.
I opened the first one and then immediately closed it! I wasn't sure if any of the guys at the table saw but it made her laugh A LOT. She told me what she was doing atm with her naked body and I had to hide a hardon for the rest of the meeting.
We thought this would be a good share for the site.
Each token is about 5-10 cents and you can tip 1 or as many as you like. Every token amount has an effect of some kind on the performers."
The tokens vibrates the toy remotely which is usually already inside the woman. So your 5 cents makes her shiver. After awhile, she does something extra (sexy) special ...