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Hot Wife

Hi truthordarepics,

When my husband and I were first married he liked to show me off to his friends. Often times we would visit a crowded singles bar on weekends. He would insist that I wear a skirt and blouse with no panties as that turned him on to no end but was new for me and therefore risquee. We knew a lot of regulars in the bar and they knew that my husband wasn't the jealous type so they all asked me to dance with them every time we went. Most of the time they would just try to dance as close to me as possible doing a dirty dance which got me worked up good (although I never let anyone know this). Then one guy got a little more daring which put me in shock and I reported it to my husband. I was dancing close with him when he got a hand between us and up my skirt. The dance floor was dark so nobody could see when he got a finger in my pussy. I was too nerverous to climax but it felt good. REAL GOOD! When I told my husband he was excited and told me to dance with the guy again. I did climax the next time. Since then we have opened up sexualy like I never thought I would. I have been felt up by many of his friends and have absolutely LOVED getting naked in the car, by windows and anywhere I could get away with it. I am attaching 2 pictures of me chosen by hubby - who is incidentally standing right behind me excited about this - and hope to see them on the site soon. - Luv Madelyne




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