Bikini Flash

Bikini Flash

Hi truthordarepics,

Well here I am submitting a dare pic of myself. I live in a town where there are lots of tourists and lots of boats giving tours. My friend Sheila works on one of them as her summer job and gets me on free frequently. My dare came from someone we were chatting with online who loves your site and looks to start games with people. His nick is daremenow44 and he wanted me to mention (to show someone else) that and to send my dare from him here. Shelia was with me chatting but didn't want to do the dare as her boss would fire her if he found out she was flashing on his boat but she agreed to help me by taking the pic. I was to let my bikini fall a bit after coming out of the bathroom and make it look like an accident, then have the picure taken. It is alot harder than it looks but I walked out and 2 ladies looked at me and were going to say something but I was going too fast. Sheila told me they were staring at me for a second and then just shrugged and laughed as they walked in to the ladies bathroom. I stood there trying to look relaxed wiping my face while she took the picture then pulled my bikini back up. That afternoon I sent it to daremenow44 and he told me to submit it here so that many more people could see me. Well, I wrote this up and am now just sitting here thinking about it ... not sure whether to send it ... I will either click "SEND" or the "X" to close the email. If you get this, you'll know which one I clicked.



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