Hi There,
I consider myself a dare devil of sorts and was recently dared to submit to this website. More specifically a picture of my ass actually. We were at work late one night and many of us usually do that. We talk about everything and are all flirty with each other. It's not your usual politically correct work environment. I've flashed my ass there many times as people keep asking to see it. Others have flashed their own body parts and we have had some mild fun. One of the guys in the group sent me an email asking if I would post my ass on this site. Actually daring me to. The rest of them don't know but if they come across it they'll have to recognize me (please don't leave my name or email ... I want them to guess if they ever see this).
I should also let you know that my ass is my weak spot sexually. I love to show it off and feel it throbbing when I am horny. I usually find any excuse to wear a bikini bottom in the summer. Even to go to the store and have all these guys look at it. The don't know that I want them to. I want them to just grab as much of my cheeks as they can and just squeeze. I fantasize that they then take me from behind. Phewww .. I'm getting hot now. Have to go, enjoy the bum! - AnonK
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