Hi Webmaster,
I saw a dare sent in not long ago that had a girl using a vibrator and it reminded me about my first one. I didn't get one til I was 20 or 21 and I remember being very embarassed buying it and also a little intimidated by the hard plastic, battery operated thing. Funny! That quickly faded though when I got it within a milimeter of my clit and I came hard and for the first time too. I still think that the first orgasm I ever gave myself that way was the noisiest, wettest one I have ever had and I use it to this day. You can see it in the pictures I sent of me in my bathroom having my own little fun with it. You can post all the pictures if you can please crop the one where my head is showing. Also please don't post my email. I love reading the dares and was thinking about what it would b like having so many people see me while I was taking the pictures. Awesome! - Trin