My Underwear Dare

My Underwear Dare

Hello Webmaster,

I have a little something to tell about a dare I once did a few years back when I was 24. To make a long story short it went like this. I was with friends at a get together, there was lots of drinking, the conversation turned to sex, we started daring each other and I got this one:

I would have to go to a public park and look for a basketball pole or soccer pole or the ones that would hold up teatherballs. I would have to completely undress save my underwear and stay in the shadows. Then when the coast was clear I was to walk out and slowly climb the pole an inch at a time and come down rubbing myself on the pole to self-stimulate. I had a friend with me to serve as witness to confirm the dare was done but for me she was great support. I was nervous but after drinking some I was also ready for anything and feeling horny being outside almost naked.

So, the coast was clear and I climbed up franticaly and looked around. The only person I could see was my friend who was laughing her butt off. It was really late and dark so I was sure nobody could see. I wrapped my legs around the pole and pressed my pussy into it and started to slide down very slowly. God it felt good! I knew I could even come and, being a bit intoxicated, didn't care what my friend thought, at least at that moment. I continued to latch onto the pole in a frantic effort to orgasm. So frantic and heated my shimmying and clinching to the pole was that I felt I would continue on with what I was doing at all costs not caring if someone came. I was not going to stop until my goal was achieved. My orgasm finally came at the bottom and it lasted a very short time. I rested and when I felt satisfied (hands and arms cramping and in pain) I walked back to the party dressed. I asn't that drunk LOL. I would then have to face the reality of what I just did in plain view of a bunch of people. My friend told them everything and I was embarrassed alright. But I got them back with dares that were even tougher.

I have a picture attatched of my lower half. I don't really want to be identified after a story like that LOL so please don't leave my email address posted either.




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