Me and my wife Beth love to camp, and we have lots of stories. we like to sneak into the same shower together at the campgrounds, this one time all the showers had its own door to the outside so it was easy. (a changing room and shower in each unit) anyway we entered one and the water pressure was very low I check another on 2 door down and it was good, meanwhile she had undressed and told her that this other shower was good so without blinking and to my surprise she walks out totally nude with clothes in hand not covering herself and walking slow because of the gravel and bare feet then drops something and stops to pick it up. It seemed like she was outside forever under this bright pole light at 10:30 pm I did not think many people were up but I thought everyone must have been watching. But after that happened we found it to be funny and enjoyable now I would have joined her. We wish we would see more more people be more open and free with there body. This a picture of her in the tent. (she is a little shy)
Jay - jayfloor @ hotmail.com