Sam & Greg

Sam & Greg


My wife and I were out to dinner with another couple that we’ve become friendly with recently. Both couples had sitters for the entire night so we had the plan to go to dinner and then stay out for drinks afterward. Right from the start the 2 ladies for primed for a wild night. Shortly into dinner, and after a few rounds of drinks, the conversation quickly turned sexual as the other woman, Eileen, came right out and asked if Sam (wife) shaves completely, not at all, or just grooms a landing strip. Then she said, after asking, that her husband has been asking her to shave completely for a while now and she doesn’t get it.

Sam’s response totally shocked me. She says, I normally shave it with a 1 inch strip above my lips, and bald on my lips, but just tonight I shaved clean before dinner. WOW! First that she did this and second that she was sharing the info.

After chit chat about the subject Sam and Eileen leave to go the ladies room. They were gone for a little longer than usual and when they returned they tell the 2 men that they went in one of the stalls together so Eileen could check out Sam’s shave job. Seriously. Eileen returned the favor by showing Sam how she was shaved and asking what she thought of the shave job.

This completely sent things in another direction. The girls started daring one another to do little things during dinner. Things like staring at the crotch of the waiter the entire time he was at our table. Asking him which of the 2 girls boobs he liked better. Then Eileen says to Sam, I dare you to take your panties off right here at the table. Sam was wearing a knee length jeans skirt. She thought for a second, then immediately hiked her skirt up, pulled off her g-string panties, and put them in her purse. Sam then says to Eileen, my dare’s completed, your turn. Sam then asks Eileen to take her panties off (lace thong) at the table as well, but to leave them ON the table when the waiter returns. Eileen wasn’t sure at first but then complied. About 5 minutes go by and the waiter returns, sees the panties right away, and just smiles. Sam says to the waiter, Eileen took these off for you, they’re yours to keep, and hands them to the guy. Now Eileen realizes that she has no panties for the rest of the night. The two women continued like this for the rest of the dinner, mixing the alcohol with the horniness. The waiter was a good guy about the whole thing. Eileen seemed to be getting a little worked up starting sitting closer to her hubby, rubbing his leg, kissing him at the table, etc. Before long, she couldn’t take it anymore and says, “Jason, I’m about to explode, and I can’t wait until we get home. You need to let me cum right now, I’m dripping wet and it’s running into my ass crack and on the seat without any panties.”

With that, Jason and Eileen reconfigured themselves at the table so that he could slip a hand under her skirt and finger her without anyone really being able to notice. Sure enough, he was rubbing her clit, rubbing her asshole, and before very long she came right there at the table with me and Sam watching the whole thing. After settling down she looks at Sam and says, “Now I one-upped you, what are you going to do? I just got fingered, got my ass fingered, and came right during dinner? How you gonna beat that?

Sam threw out a couple of lame ideas that Eileen quickly rejected before saying, to everyone’s shock, including mine…”I have a remote control dildo egg in my car. I’ll go the car, put it in, and then give you the control when I come back in.”

First of all, I didn’t even know she had this toy. (She has several toys, but I didn’t know about this one). Second, she was going sit at the table with it in her pussy, and let EILEEN HAVE HE CONTROLS!) WOW wow wow!

Sure enough, Eileen quickly agreed but wanted proof somehow that the egg was actually in her pussy. Sam replied that the only way she could know for sure was to come out to the car and watch her insert it. Eileen agreed. The two girls got up and left leaving Jason and I at the table to talk about what was going on. We realized that as we sat there the two girls were out at the car, both hornier than hell, both without panties on, having one of them watch as the other inserted a vibrating egg into her pussy. Certainly didn’t see that coming when we set out for dinner earlier in the night. Believe it or not, the girls returned in about 5 minutes, both with huge smiles on their faces, looking like the cat with the canary in it’s mouth. It took us about 10 minutes before we could get the scoop about what went down outside that had them both so giddy.

Gotta go but I attached some pics of Sam and I from a few months ago. I’ll write again and finish the story when I get some time.



Sam & Greg

Sam & Greg



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