Hi Webmaster,
This is what happened. I have a wild side that comes out once in a blue moon and when it does I can be a bad girl. It was kind of "another day at the office" for me but I had to drop something off at one of the companies we distribute to and while I was sitting across from the guy I was meeting with, I gave him a nice panty shot. I simply, 'unknowingly' opened my legs spreading my skirt and I pretended like I didn't know I had revealed so much but he looked away really fast and started sweating. It was awesome! I get such a thrill from that. I told my boyfriend that night and he dared me to show aother 'crotch-shot' to his friends who were over drinking. I did and one of them almost got a picture of it but I covered up in time. I too was drinking and had slow reflexes.
Doing those things really turns me on and later that night we had amazing sex. My boyfriend suggested that I send in that picture and a real close up crotch shot since I was such a tease. I loved it and we took several pictures of my crotch close up and settled on this one to send you. - Tamara

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