Beaver Flash

Beaver Flash

Hi truthordarepics,

This happened about two months ago...

I was heading back home on a flight from Atlanta, passing through Philly on the way to Boston. Well the flight from Atlanta was smooth and got into Philly on time, but my connecting flight was delayed. There I was sitting in the departure lounge hacking away on my laptop keyboard when out of the corner of my eye I catch a woman sitting down directly across from me. I looked up gave her a smile, she smiled back, and then returned to my work.

Some moments past and as I sat back to stretch, I noticed she was parting her legs, now normally I tend to look a way whenever women do these things, but this stranger looked me dead in the eye and continued to part her legs further, and further.

I looked away for a little while, feeling very uncomfortable and embarrassed that SHE was doing this purposly it seemed. I was trying so hard not to stare, but she was staring right at me, and then this sly grin slid across her face as I once again looked her in the eyes and then let my glance fall downward.

Low and behold, she was not wearing any panties whatsoever and was completely shaved. I practically choked right then and there. The next thing I know, there is an announcement on the loud speaker announcing the boarding of the flight to Boston. So, I began to put away my stuff, stealing a glance at the stranger across from me every so often, though she had closed her legs at this point. I must have been beet red and a little sweaty and couldn't wait to go.

I walked by her and proceeded to board my flight. I did look back though and saw that she had aquired another target. Phew... that made me feel better as she wasn't just targetting me but was getting her kicks from flashing people. Cool I thought.

In the plane I kept thinking of her and found myself very aroused. I told my boyfriend when I got home and we used her image to fuel our fantasies for awhile. Wow, I thought! Her flashing me once gave me great sex and made us happy (BF and I). We really were having good sex at the thought of her beaver. So I get the idea that hopefully I could so the same for someone else. After all, we should be spreading joy right? So I shaved myself and had BF take some pictures of me after another hot sex session thinking of the airport flasher. My heart is pounding again doing this and probably fuelling many many more sessions.

Airports are funny places. *grin*


Beaver Flash


Trade Tokens for Boobs!

*** These girls take out their webcams and ask for tiny amounts of tokens to strip, fondle themselves and more ... tokens also remotely make them cum!

How does this Work?? ...

Each token is about 5-10 cents and you can tip 1 or as many as you like. Every token amount has an effect of some kind on the performers."

The tokens vibrates the toy remotely which is usually already inside the woman. So your 5 cents makes her shiver. After awhile, she does something extra (sexy) special ...


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