My husband loves this site and so I'd like to send these in sort of as a surprise. I'm nervous doing so and am really very shy and insecure about showing my body off. I know I get compliments and it helps and my husband LOVES and I mean LOVES IT when other men look at me and want me. He wants to see me with another man but I'm too shy. Once when we were out another man asked me to dance and hubby was thrilled! As we danced I was gently felt up and wanted to go all the way. The guy brought me back to my husband, thanked me and walked away with a smile. He had no idea how far he could have gone. I was so ready since I had a few drinks in me and was feeling no pain. But once I calm down I'm back to being anxious again.
I hope he likes this surprise and would love it if men in particuliar would comment on the dare.
Wife Q -