I am in a long distance relationship and we can only see each other once a month or so, so mostly when we’re together all we do is have sex. Like, 4, 5 times a day for 2/3 days straight. We don’t even make it to the bedroom pretty often. One night we were coming home from a party and had to walk through my campus and we stopped for a make-out session against a tree. He’d confessed he was kinda curious about having sex in a public location so I teased him a lot about it, until he lost it and ripped my clothes off.
But a few seconds later we heard people coming and put our clothes back on. The 5 minutes walk to my place was excruciatingly long and when we finally made it home he went completely crazy and it was some of the best sex we’d had, especially since we’d been forced to not do anything in a couple days before that. I had the loudest orgasm right in his ear and confessed later that it was the loudest I’d ever had.
Since then we found todp and are using this site to keep us going in between visits and build up the tension ever moar for our next visit.
We'd like emails from all with ideas.
Snow Cone -