GF with a Perfectly Dirty Mind
Sex Toy
My girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, which is incredibly difficult at times. Our connection is insane, as is our sexual view and appetite. Being that we live far from each other we have to rely greatly on texting, talking, facetime. She sends pictures, which I devour, but she sends them anxiously and sometimes a little reluctantly. She doesn’t have confidence in her body (what woman does) even though she has every right to be proud of it. These are some pictures of her that I wanted to share in order to get feedback to help her feel more confident... because I’m selfish and I am hoping this will encourage her to send more pictures/videos. Also, she has a couple of scars that she is self conscious about. They aren’t pictured here, but I personally don’t mind them at all. I am crazy about her... mind, body... all of her. She has no idea how the pictures she has sent to me actually affect me.
Please share your thoughts on her body and what you would like to do to her. She has an incredibly sexy and perfectly dirty mind, so don’t hold back. If we get the kind of feedback I am expecting, I can likely persuade her to let me post more. On that note, feel free to offer requests. Hopefully we will visit soon and I can have pictures from our visit to share.
Ohh…by the way, she said she would be ok with me posting (that was earlier today), but she has no idea that I’m actually following through with it.
Our email is below:
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