Hello again. We waited anxiously to see our pictures go up and the reaction was great. Before we even knew they were online (the 1 day I didn't look at lunch...) we had an inbox full of wonderful responses. People wanted a few things (boobs, ass, hips) and we were really happy especially with the attention on her hips. This is probably her least favorite part of herself.
We figured we can fill some of these responses and T was a fan of the pictures I picked to fill these roles. These are not new, they are from my (large) archive. With some of your responses we do plan on trying new things and taking new pictures.
As a help for next time: can you tell us what you would want to see? Remember she is not the most outgoing, but does enjoy having the envelope pushed a bit. Tell her what you would do to her based on these pictures. (She didn't request this part but I want to see how it goes - I don't know where she will want to be on the spectrum but try anything from sensual to risque and lets see how it goes).
Couple JT -