I'm 21 and starting a new school in September. When I went to register last week and there was this hot guy there and as soon as we made eye contact the sexual tension was there. He ended up flirting with me all day too. My boyfriend loves it when I flirt too. I can go as far as I want as long as I don't touch. I can even let people see my boobs which is a huge turn on. Well, I went back today and he was there again. And my cousin who's a teacher at the school introduced us and it turns out he's the school's music TEACHER!! He just shook my hand and winked at me.
I told my boyfriend that and I said I'm not sure how I'm NOT going to end up in his office one day. We're working on letting me go a 'bit' further.
If anyone has any ideas to share about this let us know. We'd both love to hear from you.
Blue Bonnet -