Cuckold Wives

Cuckold Wives

This Cuckold Wives pic is of my wife. I will tell you how we first started out, with me getting her other men to massage her. We've done it now a total of 3 times. The first 2 times were from ads in our newspaper, whereby someone comes over for a fee (ranges from $80 to $140) and basically does whatever you want. We then posted an ad in Adult Friend Finder it's a website for the sexual inclined. Our id is attrcouple2, if you want to look us up. Any way, we recieved about a 150 responses from men that want to massage my wife, we picked one person to do this. Basically, We were looking for someone that was not aggressive, yet into giving massages etc...

The experience was great, the guy was extrememly considerate and gave a great massage. My wife was still very turned on from the experience. However, the guy was not as good looking as she had hoped. But it was still great. It is such a turn on watching the woman you love lay completely nude and have another man touch her. This time we fucked when he was finished massaging her. She was on top. As I was fucking her, he had his finger in her asshole. I could tell she was very excited. Then he masturbated, as she was on top of me, his penis kept bumping her ass. I found out afterwards this turned her on. I came inside her, after I came he came all over her ass and back. It was very exciting for both of us. We are now deciding on the next guy. I recommend, inviting a guy over to purely massage her, if it feels right you can go further.



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