Monday, April 30, 2007
Roxy and Her Boyfriend
Hi Webmaster,One night on the way home from work (before I met my current boyfriend), I was the last person on the bus. The driver asked me if I was in a hurry and I said no. So he stopped and ... READ THE REST HERE. HAVE YOU GOTTEN YOUR FREE PORN YET?
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:00 PM 
My Kinky Fantasy Come True
Hi truthordarepics,I have 2 pictures for you of me 2 days after:I've always had a kinky fantasy and I was able to mae it come true myself. I picked up this guy who was 52 and a strapping man at that, he looked younger but when ... READ THE REST HERE. GETTING OTHER GIRLS NUDE
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:58 AM 
Bree Naked on Her Boat
Hi Webmaster,Submitted is my picture taken by my husband when we went boating last summer. We explored many areas and even went swimming nude since bobody seemed ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH THE PREVIEW
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:56 AM 
More Picures Of Kelly Da Brat!
 Hi Everyone,
I have just finished uploading a few more pictures of our famous Kelly Da Brat. There are a few new ones and some of the older ones are cropped and enlarged so we can see her beautiful body alot better. Many of you have read her story on but for those who haven't it's an excellent and very sexy story! ... READ ABOUT HER HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:16 AM 
A New Adventure from Central Jill!
I know it has been a long time since I have submitted any adventures but nothing really story worthy has happened that I wanted to submit. Well that all changed last month when I went to up north to a wedding reception with Mike.It was a Friday evening and some of Mike’s friends and I were sitting around drinking and playing cards. That's when Mark came up with the idea of playing truth or dare. I was ... READ THE REST HERE. DAWNS PLACE
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:58 AM 
Wife Caught with Blow Dryer
 So my wife had just gotten out of the shower, and was dry blowing her hair, when we erupted into a little photo session (!). After the dryer and camera were put down, off came the jeans, and she bent over the sink, and I fucked her from behind until we were both totally spent .........
Christopher from Taos, New Mexico
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:44 AM 
Friday, April 27, 2007
My Wife Flashing in Stockings
Hi Webmaster,For years my wife and I used to enjoy watching me jack off while she drove the car on long trips. Of course, we would switch and she would return the favor. She thought it was just so naughty. And, while I was driving, I would ... READ THE REST HERE. MORE PEOPLE FLASHING
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:33 PM 
Our First 3Some
Hi,I tried to get my wife to do the FMF 3some thing and after 5 or so years of trying I got my wish finally! We're both busy people but one night we had our kid stay over a friends house and we boarded our dog for the night. We went out to diner and later ... READ THE REST HERE. REAL PLAYED TRUTH OR DARE GAMES
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:32 PM 
First Time in a Thong
Hi Truthordarepics,We just happened upon your website the other day and wanted to contribute. We have attatched a picture of the Mrs. wearing her famous red thong bikini on our honeymoon last summer. It was great to see her go topless ... READ THE REST HERE. COUPLES NAKED ON HOME CAMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:29 PM 
Cynthia's Next Pic
Hello, Cynthia again.I just bought one of these new Mac laptops that come with a built-in webcam. I used it this morning to send a couple of pics to my husband at his office. This is one of them. READ THE REST HERE. FREE SEX
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:38 AM 
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Christina's Home Strip Dare
Hi Truthordarepics,I dared my girlfriend to strip for me nude one time while I took pictures. She had never done that with any previous boyfriends before and I thought it would be really hot. We both ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE VIDEO CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:02 AM 
My Wife's Vacation Boobs
Hi Webmaster!We have a picture for your site. It is of my wife's boobs. While on our most recent vacation, she went topless for the first time and enjoyed it. I enjoyed it too! So much so that I wanted a picture ... READ THE REST HERE. KINKY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:34 AM 
More Pics From Tiana
Hi Again,Here are 2 more of me/us. One is of me changing into a sexy outfit for my man and the other is of him taking advantage of it :). - TianaSEE TIANA'S PICS HERE. FREE SEX CHAT ROOMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:32 AM 
More Threesome Pics From Josh
Hi DareMaster,We found a few more on our computer yesterday and would like you to post them on our page. Enjoy our pics. - Josh SEE ALL THE PICS HERE. FREE PORN
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:16 AM 
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Hot Threesome Pictures
These pictures have now been reposted here after being down for awhile. I have lost the original text but that's ok since it was inaccurate. I did track down the owner "J" of these pics and he explained to me what was going on in these pictures. The ... SEE ALL THE PICTURES HERE. SHOW YOUR BOOBS!
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:39 AM 
Mary the Exhibitionist
Hi,I am a huge exhibitionist and love knowing that people are enjoying my naked body. I haven't really done much in terms of sexual dares but I do like to let people look ... READ THE REST HERE. DAWNS PLACE EXHIBITIONIST
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:36 AM 
Cynthia's Picture
Hello,My name is Cynthia. I few years ago I found my husband looking at pictures of shaved pussy on the internet. He explained that it was a major turn on for him. A couple of months ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE SEX SITE
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:34 AM 
Pussy Picture Dare
I dared my wife to let me put a photo of her on the internet. It took a bit of coaxing, but she finally agreed to this one. You can see by the moisture level that she liked it. Your site ... READ THE REST HERE. RECENT CAM PICTURES
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:32 AM 
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
LK's Butt
To truthordarepics,I've been seeing a new guy and he's totally great about complimenting my butt, says he loves it all the time, but yesterday he told me he couldn't help it, he just had to tell his friend he wants to bite it, kiss it and lick it. I was really really embarrassed that he told a friend that. It's not embarassing if he tells ... READ THE REST HERE. HOT DARE VIDEOS
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:27 PM 
Jake's Hot Wife
My wife felt the need to confess some things about what happened to her in the past. She is a very attractive Latina, perfect curves and charms. She was very timid about saying anything. I had to prod her to continue. She's always ... READ THE REST HERE. TODP SEX DATE SITE MEMBERS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:30 AM 
Kerry's Self Pic Dare
Hi,I am so happy I found your site and can read about people's dares. I would say I like to watch and do so with webcam sites when I can. I have a picture of myself for you for ... READ THE REST HERE. HOW GIRLS GET OTHER GIRLS NAKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:17 AM 
Wife Flashing Outside
My wife won't admit it, but she likes to show off when we're travelling. When in motels, I secretly make adjustments to the curtains to allow passerbys to peek in. I think she knows I do ... READ THE REST HERE. NUDE CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:13 AM 
Monday, April 23, 2007
Samantha's Bar Dare
Hello,My wife and I were away on vacation without the kids for the first time in a while. The second night there we went to a local bar/restaurant for dinner and some drinks. About halfway through the meal she got up to go the ladies room, when I dared her to remove her panties whiel she was there an ... READ THE REST HERE. NO MONEY NEEDED - FREE PORN
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:35 PM 
Flashing the Guests
Hello,My wife had this new job, and she invited a few of her new colleagues for diner. She took so much time to make sure everything would be perfect that some were coming in while she was still hair drying. The thing is, ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE VIDEO CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:22 PM 
Jill Dared to Post
 Hi. My name is Jill and I'm very fun loving. I chat with guys on the internet and I love exhibitionism. A few weeks ago I met a guy on line who dared me to do a specific pose and to get my boyfriend to take the picture and then send it to him. I did it but now he has dared me to post it on your site, so here it is. I hope its ok and everyone likes it.
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:13 PM 
Alexis in a Bikini and Fully Nude Shots
Hi, Well everyone has been asking for a ass shot & a nude shot. Well I finally got up the nerve to send in a few they are not perfect but I hope you all enjoy them. As usual I like to hear what people think so email me. - Alexis SEE ALL HER PICTURES HERE. ADULT PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:08 PM 
Friday, April 20, 2007
Our Public Sex
Hi There,We love being naughty and especially enjoy doing daring things in public. Here is a picture of Jill my girlfriend while we went out for a walk in the local public park preserve. It was awesome and hot, but nobody really saw us. Our ultimate experience was when we set out to have sex in a ... READ THE REST HERE. STREET FLASHERS
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:48 PM 
Nancy's Confession
Hi TruthorDarePics,I have to confess this. I was once invited over to this girl's house (college friend) for a birthday party and her older brother was home but stayed upstairs in his room. We were all ... READ THE REST HERE. NUDE CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:46 PM 
Car Flash
I wanted my boyfriend to know I missed him so while he was at work I went to the parking garage where his car was, bent over and pressed my boobs against the driver's side window and left 2 round ... READ THE REST HERE. SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:14 PM 
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Strip Poker
Hi Truth or Dare Pics,My girlfriend Terri knows how much I love to play poker. And I'm a pretty good one at that. On a Friday night last February sometime, I had some of my buddies over. We were enjoying the evening ... READ THE REST HERE. NUDE CHICKS
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:32 AM 
Jez' Nude Self Pic
Hi,It took me a few tried to get this picture right because there were alot of shadows but now here it is. I hope you think it's sexy! I am originally from Florida and had just moved to a new area not ... READ THE REST HERE. OLDER COUPLES WHO SEDUCE TEENS
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:30 AM 
Clara's One Night Stand
Hi,This is an older picture of me but the only one I have that's daring. It was taken by a guy I had a one night stand with. I met him at a bar and we went back to his apartment. We ... READ THE REST HERE. BRANDI BELLE
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:52 AM 
Chris and His Wife Send Us More Pics
Our 1st 3-way! This is our second entry. In our first, we had another guy take some pics of us having sex. Well, a few weeks later we ran into him(we kinda knew where he might be), and invited him ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE SEX
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:48 AM 
Tiana Sends Us More
 Hi Again, As promised a picure that is more revealing and one of us by the beach. There will be more still. - Tiana SEE HER SUBMISSION HERE. FREE ADULT MAGAZINE
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:46 AM 
Kim Playing Truth or Dare
Hello, I am Kimberly and I am attatching a picture of me in this email for the truthordarepics site. It is of me on the floor. My husband and a bunch of our friends were playing ... READ THE REST HERE. NAUGHTY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:43 AM 
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Being a Voyeur
Just recently I had the best sexual experience I have ever had. My wife a nice chested woman approached me the proposition of having a threesome with another man. I agreed and she supplied ... READ THE REST HERE. BIKINI MODELS - Tricked into Getting Naked
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:13 AM 
Fun Sex
Hi Everyone,This picture of me was taken while we were at our cottage. It wasn't much of a dare since nobody was around but one thing we did do that was ... READ THE REST HERE. REAL DARE VIDEOS
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:11 AM 
Kinky Girl
I am a 23 year old bisexual that loves dares. I got addicted to it while playing my first game when I was 18. It was my first, my kinkiest and most dirty sexual experiences. I was in a family re union at my grandfather’s farm in Victoria Tamaulipas, that is north eastern ... READ THE REST HERE. WILD GIRLS FLASHING
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:10 AM 
Naked in the Car
Hi,I fucked my wife in the ass outside on the hood of my car. It was after a wedding we went to. We parked the car and she pulled me over to the hood, lifted her skirt and told me to do her right now. It was 2 in the morning and it was a busy street. It was very aggressive ... READ THE REST HEREVIDEOCHAT PICS
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:08 AM 
Tease Chick
Hi,I know this sounds boring, but I once had sex on top a building in Manhattan. The funny part was when we got done we realized we got attracted ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE PORN - NEVER EVER PAY
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:06 AM 
Flashing at the Beach
Hi - Here is a dare that I did while with my boyfriend in the Dominican Republic. We went on holiday last summer and I was looking forward to trying out what it is like going ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:02 AM 
In Blue Panties
 My wife dared me to shave my junk.
If i shaved i could post pics of her on the internet. Its funny... tiny and the boy's actually look bigger now ! here's the first pic enjoy! - leathranch PIZZA DARES
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:14 AM 
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tiana's Submission
Hi TruthorDarepics,My name is Tiana and I live in California. I have a bunch of pictures that my husband took of me both dressed and nude and wanted to be a part of your tasteful website. It was also ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH THE PREVIEWS**2nd Submission Here
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:43 AM 
My First Threesome
Hi Truthordarepics,My husband and I have been together for seven years (married three and a half) and we also dated when we were in college on and off for two years. This picture is of me while we were on our honeymoon. It was my first ... READ THE REST HERE. COUPLES WHO SEDUCE TEENS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:41 AM 
Restaurant Flash
Hi,I am submitting my dare picture. My boyfriend and I have done many of the types of dares that people have written in about on your site. We are not shy if you know what I mean! Doesn't mean ... READ THE REST HERE. NUDE CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:39 AM 
Heather Gets Kinky
Hi There,I used to know a friend that was a dominatrix and while she was on holiday my boyfriend and me had to look after her flat. One night after a few drinks my bf blindfolded me ... READ THE REST HERE. READ ABOUT KELLY BEING KINKY TOO
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:37 AM 
Linda Skinny Dipping
Hi Truthordarepics,We both love your site and have an experience we wish to share with you. My girlfriend and I went to see Lost in Translation. It was a matinee on a week day and there were ... READ THE REST HERE. SEX PERSONAL ADS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:36 AM 
Monday, April 16, 2007
Daisy's Home Photos
Hi Webmaster,One night some of my friends and I were sitting around drinking. It was the usual girls night at my house talking about everything. We decided it was fun to dare people to do things. We started out innocent enough with taking shots of ketchup and eating crayons. I seem like a very loud ... READ THE REST HERE. ABSOLUTE FREE PORN
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:38 AM 
Lisa the Tease
Hi All,I have been engaged to a great guy for the last six months. We're getting married this coming summer. He's the preppy, all-American type, super nice, really cute, and will be a great provider and all. However, he's very predictable and a real straight arrow. I used to be a wild child in ... READ THE REST HERE. DAWNS PLACE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:35 AM 
Corrina Flashing
Hi - My name is Corrina and I am submitting my picture of me flashing outside our hotel room in the lobby on behalf of ... READ THE REST HERE. GIRLS FLASHING IN PUBLIC
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:32 AM 
Some Hotel Fun
Hi Webmaster,We love your site! Inspired us to experiment a little. Had a guy we met in a bar take these pics. He didn't join in, just watched took pics, and jerked off a bit. My wife & I had a blast! I came almost right away. Besides the excitement of having this guy watch us & take pictures, my wife ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE SEX SITE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:30 AM 
Friday, April 13, 2007
Tabitha's Pussy Dare
Hey Everyone at,I surprised my boyfriend by showing him my newly trimmed pussy. I usually shave it completely but bf likes to see a little bush when ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH REAL PEOPLE PLAY TRUTH OR DARE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:56 AM 
Sharon's Vacation Pics
Hi All,My wife Sharon and I have some pictures to share from a vaction we took. We wanted to share some of our pictures as we have been getting more sexual lately. When we are on a trip especially, our sex sessions last quite some time. The best part is that she went multi-Orgasmic ... SEE ALL THEIR PICS HERE. COUPLES WHO SEDUCE HOT TEENS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:51 AM 
Karen's Butt Flash
My husband showed me this website and asked me if I would like to contribute with a "devilish" look to him. I said I'd think about it. A week goes by and as we are going out shopping I asked him to bring the camera. He looked puzzled but then lit up and ... READ THE REST HERE. COUPLES ON HOT CAMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:48 AM 
Sister-In-Law Bet
 Had a bet with my sister-in-law on the world series last year.If the Tigers lost I got to take five pics of her with her bikini top.I made sure when I made the bet not to say she would be wearing it in the photos but that it would be with it.Thinking ahead worked great for the last two pics. - LL
**From Webmaster: All pics were similar so I just posted the last one. Thanks though :)
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:40 AM 
Thursday, April 12, 2007
More Hot Pics From Alexis!
I think she has now sent over 50 pictures of herself and has also completed the dare challenge. Check her out! - SEE ALL OF ALEXIS' PICS HERE. CAM PICTURES
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:59 AM 
Hot Strip Poker Game
Hi Webmaster,This is a picture of my girlfriend at the end of our night last weekend. Well I am now just crawling out of bed, and things went well, better than we had hoped. We ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE HOT PORN
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:53 AM 
We Are Swingers
Hi Webmaster,My wife and I consider ourselves swingers and have alot of fun with it. The pictures I'm sending are of a camping trip we took with other couples we met at ... READ THE REST HERE. BRANDI'S PUBLIC SEX
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:50 AM 
ENF Picture & Dare
Here is my picture submission and how this all started: Years ago, I went out jogging with a good friend of mine who is about 10 years my senior. When we got back to her house ... READ THE REST HERE. HOT BIKINI GIRLS INFLUENCED
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:44 AM 
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
My Wildest Experience
Hi,The only thing my x and I had in common was a very imaginative active sex life, namely he liked being the one to push me into being ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE SEX
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:53 AM 
Lap Dance for Wife
Hi TruthorDarePics,My wife and I have been married for 7 years and have had a great time sexually. Recently we have been looking to experiment. In a recent trip we ... READ THE REST HERE. KINKY CHICKS
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:50 AM 
Girl on Girl Experience
I am absolutely a straight woman and never even thought of another woman. But that all changed one night while I was on a business trip with a younger co-worker. After dinner ... READ THE REST HERE. NUDE CHAT ROOMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 9:46 AM 
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Naked Couple Dare
Hi Truth or Dare Pics,My wife and I have recently decided to experiment a little with our sex lives. We have done things in the car, gone out in public and had me finger her and role play a little. The result has been a huge ... READ THE REST HERE. ONLINE PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:24 AM 
Fanny's Trip
What a great weekend I had! Me and my party girlfriends took off from work on Thursday and road tripped to a large State university in Ohio for a marathon sex weekend. Imagine it, four thirtyish women ... READ THE REST HERE. CHAT ROOMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:22 AM 
Janet's Submission
When I was nineteen years old, my cousin and I went swimming at a lake near my grandparents' house. He was hot. I had a boyfriend at the time, and I told ... READ THE REST HERE. ALL GIRL DARE GAME
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:18 AM 
Char's Naked Pics
I was dared by a playmate who came over when my husband was away at work to take these photos and posting them on your site. We had a lot of fun making them and hopefully my husband won't find out. The pictures were taken by Nick a friend of my husband's while he was ... READ THE REST HERE. MONEY TALKS!
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:55 AM 
Monday, April 09, 2007
Wife's High Sex Drive
Hi,Slowly, over the past year, my wife's sex drive has gone through the roof. She's even started squirting and getting crazy wet. We went from famine to feast to... sharing. She started in the ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE VIDEO CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:11 AM 
Camping Sex
I went tent camping with my girlfriend at Ft. Fisher NC. The showers are seperate M/F well no one ever shut the doors to the bath house due to the heat. I was in the shower that was barely covered by a used up motel curtain. pull it one way or the other you still had a foot gap to ... READ THE REST HERE. HOT PORN GOES FREE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:09 AM 
Soft Swingers
Hi Webmaster,We have known this couple for about 2 years now, and we went and got a nice little hotel room the other night. First we drank and the two ladies put on a show, with body ... READ THE REST HERE. SEX AND SWINGERS PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:06 AM 
Beth's Pic
Hi Webmaster, here is my story: One night, my ex-boyfriend, who I still hook up with frequently, invited me to a party that his brother's friends were having. I agreed to go, and I met him there thinking that it would be a fun night. So, we started to drink, and more people started ... READ THE REST HERE. SEE HER SQUIRT
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:51 AM 
Friday, April 06, 2007
Cheryl and Scott's Dare
Hi,Here is a picture of us taken a few years back by a friend. It was after we did this that I had the idea to have my wife go to a professional photographer, my wife has done it three times and he takes some beautiful shots. The very first time she went was ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH REAL PEOPLE PLAY TRUTH OR DARE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:48 AM 
Sonia's Birthday Flash - Drunk
Hi Truth or DarePics - My name is Sonia and I am sending you a picture of me at a club my friends and I went to for my birthday. The DJ announced that whomever's birthday it is should go dance ... READ THE REST HERE. MONEY TALKS - HOT CHICKS FLASH!
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:45 AM 
Flashing in the Park
Hi,We are submitting for you a picture of Helen doing a dare after I dared her to flash me outside somehow. I didn't expect her to flash her ... READ THE REST HERE. NAKED CAM PICS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:42 AM 
1st Submission
Hello there truth or dare pics, Me and my girlfriend were looking around the internet and stumbled upon your site and i dared her to do it or have a threesome with me and he best friend who is gorgeous she didn't like that thought but didn't mind showing off a little for the camera. - Corey
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:36 AM 
Liz Naked
Hi, me and my girlfriend Liz just stumbled accross your site and, much to my surprise, she suggested we submit a photograph. So here it is! This photo was taken on my 21st birthday and she'd bought me a new camera as a present - but what to photograph with this new toy? Well I dared her to let me take this photo.Great site, really enjoying it.Steve BIKINI GIRLS TRICKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:32 AM 
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Maureen at Work
Hi TruthorDarePics,My husband and I usually have cybersex whenever I am working late and can't be home at regular hours. He bought me a webcam and when nobody ... READ THE REST HERE. BRANDI BELLE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:10 AM 
Another Pic of Samantha
Hi Webmaster,It's dan the husband, I've got 1 more 4 your site hope you enjoy it. Could you put it on the same Samantha page please? Let me know. - Dan SEE FULL SIZED PICTURE HERE. GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:59 AM 
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Holly Sends in a Full Frontal Pic!
Holly has been one of the original Dare Chicks on this website and someone I have known as a dare-lover for a long time. This time she sends in a nice nude picture and her most recent fantasy ... READ THE REST HERE. WATER BONDAGE
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:35 AM 
Leslie's Vacation Flash
Hi, My husband took this picture of me while we were on vacation. It was morning and my husband Rick dared me to go out to breakfast without any panties ... READ THE REST HERE. NUDE CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:21 AM 
Naked Christmas
Okay here is the dare story! On Christmas night this past year, my girlfriend and I drove to my parent's house which is up for sale and they don't live in anymore. We had been flirting and teasing each other the whole trip, so when we pulled into the garage, I started taking my clothes off. She a ... READ THE REST HERE. SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:11 AM 
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Tracy in the Woods
Hi Webmaster,Awesome site! I love being nude and am quite an exhibitionist myself. I have a picture of me attatched taken by my boyfriend from when we went strolling through the woods nearby. I had my jacket open like that for most of the walk. Nobody passed by but if they ... READ THE REST HERE. BRANDI BELLE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:34 AM 
Jeremy & Linda Send in Naughty Pics
Hi Webmaster,Here are some self pictures of my wife and I. I having been fortunate to have a woman that takes great care of me sexually. She explored others and I did also. It seems that a few ... SEE ALL THEIR PICS HERE. COUPLES NAKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:21 AM 
Heather's Self Picture
I'm an attractive 18 year old senior who was still a virgin until a couple months ago. I was taking tennis lessons from Trevor, a gorgeous 28 year old who lives down the street. During one afternoon lesson, I got a cramp in my leg and he started to rub it for me. The cramp ... READ THE REST HERE. CHAT NAKED!
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:18 AM 
Mary Flashing on a Bench
Hi Webmaster,I love to flash and am happy to have found this site as one more place to do so. My husband and I go out for walks and sometimes, when I'm in the mood I'll ... READ THE REST HERE. FLASHING FOR MONEY
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:15 AM 
Monday, April 02, 2007
Naked at Niagara Falls
I have been married for 12 years. When my husband and I do have sex, it's all that and so much more. I love making love with him. He's just not in to having as much as I would like. I am sending you a picture of me naked ... READ THE REST HERE. SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:23 AM 
Drunk Flash
Hi Webmaster,Here is a picture of me that my friend took while I was totally wasted! We were partying hard and having a great time when she started daring me to do ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE PORN PASSES
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:18 AM 
Samantha's First Vibrator
Hi Webmaster,When I arrived home from holidays in QLD my fiance had an 18th birthday present waiting for me. It was an 8 inch vibrator with a clit tickler. That night we set to work taking many photos of me driving myself in and out with the vibrator. We have watched this site for awhile ... READ THE REST HERE. SEE HER SQUIRT
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:38 AM 
Cellphone Nude Pics
Here are some pics of my girl. She posed for me and let me take pics so now im sending it to you guys. Sorry for their size, I took em with my cell. Tell me what you think of her soilwork1869 @ - Catch Bullets
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:19 AM 
