Thursday, November 30, 2006
 Here are a couple pictures of my 18 year old girlfriend, Sarah, and the short story of why I'm submitting them is that I've dared her to find another guy to fool around with. She has always been a fairly sexual girl, and last year while I was away from her at college I basically gave her permission to fuck around with a friend ... READ THE REST HERE + MORE PICS. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:19 AM 
Britney Spears Upskirt
 Apparently pictures of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton were circulating around the net with some nice shots of Britney upskirt. SEE HER PAGE HERE. HOT WEBCAM CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:57 AM 
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Joyce's Hazing Story
 When I was in college a couple years ago at SDSU, I joined a sorority. Because of the attention this site might bring I will not mention the name of the Sorority, but it is a well known girls Sorority Nationwide. We had initiation rituals that everyone had to pass, but no one ever got hurt. Our initiation was ... READ THE REST HERE. THE GIRLS OF EROCITY
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:49 AM 
Drunk Chick
 I once was so drunk at a home party that I first started kissing another girl right after kissing my boyfriend. Afterwards in a truth or dare game I stripped naked, finally ended up in a chair with every guy tasting me in my private parts while my boyfriend encouraged them. When almost everybody was gone, except boyfriend and two more ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE PORN PASSES
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:44 AM 
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
True Voyeur
 Several years ago, I met a woman online. The odd thing was that she lived only a few miles from me, even though the site where we met was an international site. We exchanged a few hot e-mails, agreed to meet, and connected when we did meet. She taught ... READ THE REST HERE. KINKY WOMEN
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:40 AM 
Getting Dressed
 A friend of ours was getting married, and they decided to keep it small and do it in vegas. They got 2 rooms, and took down three other couples (my girlfriend and I included) with them to be there for it. We stayed at the Aladdin and all of us decided to let the soon to be newly weds have their own room, and the 6 of us would just share the other. No big deal. They paid for our rooms anyway, and we figured its their wedding, lets give them ... READ THE REST HERE. COUPLE CAMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:36 AM 
Monday, November 27, 2006
Bus Flash
 It is almost as embarrassing submitting this picture to you as it was doing the actual dare. My husband loves your site and I must say it is growing on me as well. When we 'dirty talk' at night he gets lots of ideas from here and it turns me on thinking about all of the dares people have done. While talking dirty one night he got me so turned on and in that moment asked me to do a dare and I told him 'yes'. Right after I came I tried backing out ... READ THE REST HERE. MAKING CHICKS NAKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:16 AM 
First Time Posing
 Here are some pics of my 20 year old wife. I dared her to pose nude and let me post them just to see if she would do it she agreed and here they are enjoy. By the way this is the first time she has ever posed. - Charles SEE ALL THE PICS HERE. HOT PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:13 AM 
Friday, November 24, 2006
Camping Sex
 I went tent camping with my girlfriend (IN PIC) at Ft. Fisher NC. The showers are seperate M/F well no one ever shut the doors to the bath house due to the heat. I was in the shower that was barely covered by a used up motel curtain. pull it one way or the other you still had a foot gap to the wall. As I was soaping up the man goods I heard a woman ... READ THE REST HERE. HOTTEST TRUTH OR DARE
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:10 AM 
Hot Flash
We went to our favorite club this weekend (it's a local sex club for those under 35), and met a couple that we had chatted with before. Our club has a bondage room that I have had fantasies about before. It is an awesome room, with shackles, mirror on the ceiling, bars, ect... We decided that we were going to play in this room, and it was the first time ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH NAKED PEOPLEREAD NEW STORIES
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:05 AM 
Thursday, November 23, 2006
She was Flirting ...
 My wife and I are new to the sexual stuff, we have been married over ten years. We have discussed our feelings and both are in agreement. So we decided to take a big chance. We are going slow and taking our time. A couple weeks ago while at a local disco club, she started dancing and flirting with a complete stranger, which is fine with me because I found interaction very erotic. We went home alone, and ... READ THE REST HERE. SHE GETS GIRLS NAKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:16 AM 
Being Watched
 Well BF and I agreed to let one of my friends watch us having sex. in which everything went ok. So now we have done this 2 times and really both very nervous doing this but it was very exciting for us both. The next step was having me naked on ... READ THE REST HERE. ORGY PARTIES ON TAPE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:13 AM 
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Debutant Swinger
 My Hubby and I are swingers. Have not done a full swap yet but have had a bit girl on girl action with another couple & hubbys watching. We both loved it and had great sex afterwards. This pic was taken that night LOL - (blush**) The problem is...the other night we had some really good friends over and while the hubbys were out, she proceeded to tell me she had naughty fantasies about me. Well one thing led to another ... READ THE REST HERE. CHAT WITH SWINGERS
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:26 AM 
Reader's Wives
 My wife and I have always fantasised about her being published as a 'Readers Wife' in a men's magazine. The pictures would feature her posing nude (spread) wearing only her stockings and showing her face. The reality is she could never do this as she is worried about people seeing her pussy for some reason. Her tits, ass ... READ THE REST HERE. WHERE WIVES GO TO HAVE FUN
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:24 AM 
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
What's new at
Two big new areas added to the site: 1- If you CLICK HERE you will go to a page that has random dares and truth questions so you can enjoy a game of ToD at home with a friend or friends. Have fun and take lots of pics. 2- If you CLICK HERE you will go to a page that allows YOU to post any erotic dare, story, threesome, adventure that you have had. This is for readers to share thier experiences - with over 10,000 people daily - and don't have pics to go with them. Read the rules on the post page before posting. 3- Finally, there is another hot girl's page added to the CFNM area by BRANDI. Have Fun! Truth or Dare Rocks! -Webmaster
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:14 PM 
My Skinny Dipping Story
 Last Summer, on a warm night early in the morning, I went skinny dipping at a Holiday Inn with a girl I had just met that night. It was an outdoor pool and surrounded by a wood fence. The Hotel was about fifteen floors or so, towering above the pool. A friend of hers worked the front desk at nights. I parked the car in the back parking lot while she went inside the front doors to tell her front-desk friend what we wanted to do and to make sure ... READ THE REST HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:06 PM 
Pussy Flash
 One of my favorite "naughty memories" was when I was in a Starbucks on a Saturday morning having my coffee and reading the paper. It was very early so I had just put on a pair of running shorts and a skimpy top. A goup of three guys came in and they had actually been running and had very good bodies. They ordered their coffee and sat down across from me. As I would read the paper I found myself glancing over the top looking at them. I could see slight bulges in their shorts and my dirty little mind started thinking about it. The one on the end kept looking ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:03 PM 
Monday, November 20, 2006
Flashing in a Shoe Store
 Picture of me flashing in a payless shoe store. I had to do this as part of a dare I got online. I play with the people who sent in the McDonald's dare Michelle and Reggie so here is my dare completed. - Sandra READ THE REST HERE. CHECK OUT BRANDI
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:36 PM 
Friday, November 17, 2006
From Krystal
Thank you for the compliments. Here are some more photos from some of our adventures. BABYDOLL PHOTO SET 3BABYDOLL PHOTO SET 4BABYDOLL PHOTO SET 5BABYDOLL PHOTOSET 6Krystal's page can be found HERE<><><> <><><> WATCH A REAL TRUTH OR DARE GAME<><><> <><><> A few things worth checking out: 1- Kim's Story - Scroll down a bit or go to the MAIN PAGE and look for Kim's pic. 2- Laura posted some hot photos of herself awhile back that are worth seeing again and again. 3- There is also a video to watch on the main page sent in by Brooke
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:24 AM 
 My name is ashley, one night at a girls only party, things got very wild, I ended up having my first female experience with a friend of mine who I didn't think would have gone that far. But since then I have had many more nights like that. Ashley SMART BIKINI CHICK
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:21 AM 
Thursday, November 16, 2006
More From Sexy Krystal !!
 Hello everyone, sorry it has taken me a while to post again, but I have been very busy working and traveling all over the place. But anyways here are a few, I hope you enjoy them. SEE ALL HER PICTURES HERE. **Krystal's Main Page of Dares is HERE. SWINGERS GO HERE!
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:40 AM 
BabyDoll 2 - Hot Friend to Krystal
 Hello everyone it's me Krystal again and here are a few photos of the many that Babydoll has wanted to post.This Short Purple Outfit is very short and a lot shorter than some of the photos ... SEE ALL HER PICTURES HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:35 AM 
My Wife's Pics
 My wife loves teasing me by sending pics to my cell of her naked body while im at work. I told her I was going to submit them and she dared me to. I couldn't turn this dare down so enjoy the pics of her juicy pussy, hot ass, and perky tits. - Alan SEE ALL HER PICS HERE. MILF WIFE PICS
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:31 AM 
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Drunk Chick
 I once was so drunk at a home party that I first started kissing another girl right after kissing my boyfriend. Afterwards in a truth or dare game I stripped naked, finally ended up in a chair ... READ THE REST HERE. PHOTO ADS FOR ALTERNATIVE GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:12 AM 
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
New Swingers?
 On a camping trip last summer there were two of us couples in a tent. Us, and some good friends. I didn't see what was coming at all that weekend. I went off by a creek but when I came back to the tent that first evening, the other couple had my wife up on her knees with her mouth in the other woman's pussy and the guy was happily fucking her from behind. And all she did was look sideways at me and try to grin. But she didn't entirely stop ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE CAMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:59 AM 
Flashing in Subway
 Here is a picture of my wife flashing for me in subway. Could you put this on your site? - Jerome SEE FULL SIZED PIC HERE. HOW I GET GIRLS NAKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:55 AM 
Monday, November 13, 2006
Hotel Hallway Dare
My wife has really opened up sexually the past few years. There was one specific point where things really turned around for us. To give a little background, we are in our late 30's, two kids, and typical home, marriage, etc etc.. I surf the internet and my wife had/has no interest in doing the same. She is at a computer all day so has no desire to get back on when she gets home from work. She is totally fine with me checking out the truthordarepics page. About 2 years ago, I started READ THE REST HERE. MATURE SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:39 AM 
Park Flash
 I accepted to do a dare after my boyfriend showed me this site. He asked me to take a walk with him to the park while he brought along his camera. He also said to wear a skirt with no panties. I didn't know where this was going but it didn't seem to threatening so off we went. The park was kind of busy so it took some time for him to find a good spot to take a picture of me. The only one we got was this one that is attatched. I loved ... READ THE REST HERE. QUICK FREE PORN
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:27 AM 
Friday, November 10, 2006
Kim - A Must Read!
 I have the pleasure of introducing you all here at to "Kim" !! Kim was part of a Yahoo group with her husband John and it was there that they posted her step-by-step story of her being shy, to showing off her hot body in public and more ... The story is so HOT that you will have a hard time pulling yourself away from your screen. Most of the members (your truly included) of the group came back day after day to read thier next installment and we couldn't wait. It took quite a bit of time but I was able to upload all of thier posts to this site which will enable you to read the whole thing without having to wait. Enjoy Kim's true story! READ HER AMAZING STORY HERE!!!
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:35 AM 
My College Story
 I am recently single and not used to dry spells from sex and have gotten quite horny. Your site has been great at giving me an outlet for release and some courage to share as well. So, first off here is the required pic of me in my bathroom and I thought I would share a story with all of you hope you enjoy. I had moved off the college campus after my junior year because they were going to renovate my dorm ... READ THE REST HERE. WATCH A NUDE DARE GAME
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:29 AM 
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Bra Dare
 This dare took place at a three day long concert on a farm. My wife got really drunk and she was dared to wear a candy bra around all day long. Strangers were constantly coming up to her to take a bite out of my wife's bra. It was hysterical, she went from shy to outrageous within six beers. It was a great weekend! SEE ALL HER PICS HERE. SEX ADS
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:26 AM 
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Her Webcam Dare
 Hi, As you can guess my name is Kerry LOL ... I was dared to post this image from a webcam session I had with "norfolken" (his username), last night. We were chatting for about half an hour when he suggested I look at this site as it's one of his favorites. After another 5 minutes we started playing truth or dare with each other - me on my webcam and he with regular chat. He didn't have a webcam so took pics of himself and emailed them to me. Topless is a far as I was willing to go but it was so much fun! I had never done that before. I don't mind pics of me online as long as my face is hidden so here is my last dare performed. Luv K! <><><> Hi Readers - SHY WIFE is still looking for some feedback so visit her PAGE and tell her if you like her naked body? I do! - Instructions for video chatting with people like Kerry above can be found on THIS PAGE. Enjoy! <><><><>
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:03 AM 
Flash at McDonalds
 My girlfriend and I play a truth or dare on messengers and webcams with other people over the internet thanks to your suggestion on your site. She accepted a dare from someone named ChosenOne444 to flash her pussy in a McDonalds but someone else had to be in the picture with her. We thought about ... READ THE REST HERE. DO YOU KNOW ABOUTDAWN'S PLACE?
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:34 AM 
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
More From Dan & Tricia
 If you look a few blog entries below you will see Dan & Tricia's dare of thier first threesome. It was a hot dare and great story to read. Now they have submitted more pics of themselves and friends which you can see if you go to thier page HERE and scroll down to the end of thier story. You will also find thier contact info and an update on thier 3some. Enjoy ! MILF K's VIDS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:21 AM 
Monday, November 06, 2006
Wife Dare
 The biggest cock I have ever seen was kind of a "dare". I went out for dinner and drinks with a new woman from work one night, and we were drinking too much and finally got to my house, where we continued. We both got too drunk, and we were talking about "hunky" guys at work, and somehow it got around to big cocks. She said her husband should be a porn star because he hs a huge cock, and it took her a long time to be able to take it, and he had ... READ THE REST HERE. TRUTH OR DARE GAME
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:38 AM 
In a Club - Upskirt
 Here is a picture I took while at a club one night with my cell. This drunk chick was sitting next to her boyfriend and had no idea her pussy was showing. People kept walking by for a closer look and she never ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE CAM CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:35 AM 
My Girlfriend
 This is a pic I like very much of my girlfriend. I dared her to let me post this pic for all too enjoy as much as I do. - James FREE PORN PASSES
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:31 AM 
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tory's Post
 I have been moving more and more into group fun and just totally enjoy it. This past weekend a couple we know invited us to a pool party out in the middle of nowhere. I am not sure exactly how many people were there, maybe 10 or 12 couples. The purpose though became clear, sex. They actually announced to us it was their plan to have an ... READ THE REST HERE. SWINGER SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:03 AM 
Nude Dare
 My wife lost a dare that she had to strip in front of one of our friends. She picked a friend that was recently divorced, but she didn't want to just strip. She was a little worried about what he would think. She finally decided that the next time he was over she would suggest we play strip poker, but she would throw ... READ THE REST HERE. KINKY GIRLS SEEKING PLAY
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:59 AM 
My Wife 2
 ...part 1 is below ... <><><><> After seeing her photos live on the web, my wife has become "hooked" on being seen nude and semi-nude by complete strangers. This will be the first of many. ORGY SEX PARTIES ON TAPE
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:56 AM 
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Tricia & Dan
 Hello! Our names are Dan and Tricia. We are attaching a photo and our story for your website. You can choose whaterver title you want, but we thought of '3some with Best friend!' My boyfriend (Dan) has visited this site a few times now and LOVES it! He suggested that we tell you about a truth or dare game that we played this past summer. It ended up leading into a threesome that was never planned, or at least he only ever fantasized about! .... READ THE REST HERE. I GET GIRLS NAKED!
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:45 AM 
Bowling Commando
 I once dared my wife to leave the house without panties one night when we went bowling. She gave me a evil grin and said sure. I brought the camera along and as we drove there I started fingering her pussy to get her hot and bothered. We went on a wednesday night when there weren't too many people there... READ THE REST HERE. GENETICALLY GIFTED BOOBS
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:40 AM 
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
My Wife
 I thought you might like to see my wifes Nude baptism, she will be shocked but thrilled to think of other men seeing her naked. - bibow ORGY SEX PARTIES
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:06 PM 
