Friday, June 30, 2006
Girls Kissing
 I was dating a new guy and as it tends to do with me somehow, the conversation turned to "what have you done/what haven't you done/what wouldn't you do?" I'd always maintained that it wasn't that I wouldn't kiss another woman, I just had never met one I ... READ THE REST HERE... CHEAP TRUTH OR DARE MOVIES
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:59 AM 
World Cup Girls!!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
My First Dare
 Hi - My name is Carol and this is my first dare ever done with the intention of posting it online. I was blushing while the picture was taken because it felt like thousands of people were already looking at me, knowing that would soon be true. I am even blushing now as I write this. My boyfriend took the pic. HOT COUPLE
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:06 PM 
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Girlfriend Sex Surprise
 One day, on a lost bet, my g/f wore a very short skirt to a library. I had managed to meet another guy online ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:59 AM 
Caught On The Toilet
 Does any one out there enjoy hearing or watching a woman pee. For some reason it turns me on and it took alot of coaxing but I finally got my girlfriend to let me post a pic of her in the bathroom. I had a huge hard on after that and she also benefitted from it be cause we had some great sex afterward. - Froze SEX CHAT ROOMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:53 AM 
Cum On Eileen
 Eileen from "Cum On Eileen" sends us a really really HOT picture of her sitting on a chair with her gorgeous boobs out. SEE THE FULL SIZED PIC HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:50 AM 
Britney Spears Nude And Pregnant Pics
  These pictures were just released onto the net. Supposedly , Britney Spears did a photoshoot while pregnant but then decided to have them pulled 2 weeks before publishing time. These pictures are said to be "photoshopped" and were originally pics from Demi Moore's pregnant shoot. Still cool to see. HORNY CHICKS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:45 AM 
Roxy Says Hello
 Roxy submits a picture of herself for the " Dare To Be Bare" page. SEE FULL SIZED PIC HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:41 AM 
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
All Tied Up
 My boyfriend and I were renting the upstairs of a house last year and the house was up for sale. It was one Saturday morning. I was into being tied up and bound and my boyfriend had ... READ THE REST HERE. TRUTH OR DARE VIDS
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:01 PM 
Brandi Chastain Nude
  In the spirit of the World Cup Of Soccer I thought this might be appropriate. For those who don't know, Brandi played on the USA women's national team and won the world cup. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 3:49 PM 
Monday, June 26, 2006
Couple Seeking Men
Hi - Our names are Mike and Robin and we are a Couple Seeking Men on the internet (couples and single females are great too!) to help please me (Robin) LOL. We read this site alot (along with a couple others) and it really gets our imaginations going ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:17 PM 
Lost Bet = Wife Stripping For Blog
   Hi - My wife and I are submitting pictures for your blog. Last week she lost a bet to me and the deal was the loser had to do "anything" sexual that the winner wanted. The bet was over whether or not she'd have dessert at a particuliar restaurant if I got some. She did, I won! So I made her strip for me while I took pics and told her these would go on the net for all to see. Please tell us when you post them as she is very horny about doing this and it'll make one hell of a night for us. Mike & Judy SWINGER SEX ADS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:50 AM 
Drunk Chick
 We came back from the beach with our friends after spending the last 3 hours in a bar, drinking Bacardi. We came in our hotel and went to our room at the 3th floor. My girl (22) was pretty drunk and ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:47 AM 
Friday, June 23, 2006
Truth Or Dare "Game 7" Just Released!!
  A new truth or dare video has just been released! It has 4 chicks and 1 guy (lucky bastard!). CLICK HERE Then along the top of the page click on "Game 7" It's well worth it!! **Webmaster
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:19 PM 
Naked At The Beach
 Hi - This is a dareing situation that happened to us last summer. Ryan (my boyfriend) and I took my sister Trisha and her boyfriend with us to the lake. We spent the day at the beach ... READ THE REST HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 2:34 PM 
Soccer Chicks Moon For The World Cup
 Hey! My soccer mates and I decided to moon your blog in honour of the world cup! Go Aussies! TM, RD, DE, HS **webmaster - we gladly accept LOLREAL VIDEO SHOTS
# posted by Webmaster @ 2:29 PM 
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Lana Complete's The Dare Challenge
 Lana dressed in fishnet sends us her picture and completes the dare. You can see all the girls who have completed the dare challenge here. SEE THE FULL SIZED PIC HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:52 AM 
Central Jill - Spring Break Part III
 Another fantastic post by Central Jill . This is part 3 of her Spring Break dares. If you missed part 1 you can read it here. They are excellent high quality dares and Jill is so sexy you are sure to love it. See Her Pics here
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:04 AM 
Mass Sex In An Airport Hangar
    I don't know much about this public nudity and public sex event except that it was in Japan. It was held in an airport hangar with over 1000 couples having sex simultaneously. BDSM PEOPLE
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:52 AM 
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Oblivious Girlfriend Tanning Topless
 Hi - I have sent you a picture of my girlfriend tanning with her best friend in our backyard. About 2 years ago, I came home from work early and looked out the back window and my jaw dropped! I saw my girlfriend and her best friend tanning topless in my backyard! They must have just assumed I'd be home at the regular time. I immediately got our camera, leaned out the window quietly and snapped the picture. I showed it to her 2 months later and she freaked and laughed at the same time. A week later, we showed her friend who also freaked and blushed. They both said I could keep it and do whatever I want with it after some discussion. I thought your readers might enjoy it! - Frank WATCH PEOPLE GET NAKED
# posted by Webmaster @ 3:04 PM 
Ween Concert
 This picture was taken at a "Ween" concert. Aparently women flash thier boobs regularly at thier shows. -Cheers HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 3:01 PM 
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Sex In Public
 Hi - This is a dareing situation that happened to us last summer. Ryan (my boyfriend) and I took my sister Trisha and her boyfriend with us to the lake. We spent the day at the beach and ... READ THE REST HERE. $0.66 VIDEOCHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 3:32 PM 
   My girlfriend forgot she wasn't wearing any underwear when we went to the park. I took the picture and luckily was the only one who saw her. - Jim SWINGERS PERSONALS ADS
# posted by Webmaster @ 3:23 PM 
Toni Braxton Flashes Underwear
    At the world cup in Germany Toni Braxton performed at it's openeing ceremonies but didn't anticipate the rush of air coming out from the floor towrds the end of the song. - pretty Sexy! HOT GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 3:18 PM 
Monday, June 19, 2006
Quick Boob Flash
 My girlfriend exhibited herself all the time, she loves it. She liked to go to the beach and sit in a lounge chair, with her top down ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:24 AM 
Husband Dared Wife
  I dared my wife to get naked and I would take pics of her in the outdoors. Finally after a few cocktails she agreed. She has flashed me in public, gone topless on a beach and even striped naked next to a big rig in a buy rest stop, these are the first pics of her at an area playground and pole dancing using a street sign. I have dared her to go topless again, and this time I want pics. -- Anon FREE VIDEOCHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:19 AM 
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Man Gets More Than A Peek
 A man uses his cam to get a pick of this strange woman exhibiting herself at a video store ... READ THIS GREAT ACCOUNT HERE! HORNY GIRLS HERE
# posted by Webmaster @ 12:21 PM 
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Wife Flashing Outside
 My wife and I live in Ca. and she loves teasing me in public with no panties on (see pic). When I tell her a guy is watching too, she knows how to tease slightly and get a reaction ... READ IT HERE. TRUTH OR DARE VIDEOS
# posted by Webmaster @ 8:18 AM 
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Wife's Tanlines
 While on vacation a bunch of us (people we met at the hotel) were at the beach. All couples and us were sitting around watching the evening news. They had a discussion about Bikini wax jobs and Brazilian wax jobs. Two of the ladies said that they would never ... READ IT HERE. FREE CHAT ROOMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:51 AM 
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Sex With Friends
 One time my wife and I were camping (see picture attatched) with a bunch of friends, partying and having a good time. Well it was getting late and one of the other couples we were with had gone to bed. So that left my wife and I, one of her girlfriends, and two of my buddies still up. My wife and I were standing on one side of the fire and the other three were sitting across the fire on the picnic table about 8 feet from us. It was getting cool out ... READ THE REST HERE. DARE VIDEOS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:41 AM 
Oral Sex Leads To An Accidental Flash
 Here is a picture of my girlfriend nude for your website. One night, I thought me and my girlfriend were the only ones at home. I had the ... READ IT HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:39 AM 
Hotel Dare
 We just got back from vacation and had a great time. After being there several days, we established a routine in the evening. Wife would sunbathe nude on the balcony in the afternoon before dinner. One evening my wife saw we were out of ice so she READ IT HERE. VIDEO CHAT CHICKS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:02 AM 
Boobs Pictures From The Archives
 Around 50 or so pictures from the archives. Again they were from old truth or dare groups and a few recent submissions. This time the theme is "boobs covered". SEE ALL THE PICTURES.
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:24 AM 
Caught Naked
 One of the dumbest things I ever did, was the time I was over for my brother's condo, and three of his friends were working out in the basement on my exercise equipment. My brother had a habit of letting his friends use his equipment to work out. I actually went over ... THE REST HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:21 AM 
Monday, June 12, 2006
Nude Run In the Hallway
 While we were away in a motel my friends and I started a game of truth or dare which started of slow but then got out of hand. They did all my dares so I had to do this one. Which I really, really didn't want to do but had to since they did mine. I ran down the hall and back with my boobs out and then collapsed on the bed in my room. - Char VIDEO DARE
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:24 AM 
MILF Having Car Sex
 A few years back, my wife & I took a weekend getaway and stayed at a hotel near the Ontario, CA airport. I don't recall the name of the place, but it had a pool outside toward the back and had a big parking lot. Anyway, we got there on a Friday evening after dark. Checked in and then went out to dinner. When we got back from dinner and parked, feeling rather frisky, I had my wife's tits out ... READ THE REST HERE. Hot MILF
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:21 AM 
Girlfriend Flashing
 I got this pic of my nude girlfriend yesterday and told her I wanted to put it on your site and tell her story. Here it is: Her sister and 18 yr old bf were ... READ THE REST HERE. ADULT SEX DATING
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:18 AM 
Nude Beach Sex
 My girlfriend loves to ride me at the beach. We often go to a local nude beach in the summer and find a semi secluded spot ... READ THE REST HERE. HORNY GIRLS
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:27 AM 
Caught On Camera
 I got this pic when I was on vacation. I was at a resort and walked by a couple in the pool who thought they were alone. I hid behind a tree and took this pic. Then I watched them as he went to town on his wife. They stopped shortly afterwards as people were coming closer - Mike
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:38 AM 
Butt Flash From Three Girls
 Hi Webmaster, Here is our contribution to your blog to "rival" the butt pic page (** see here). Those girls aren't the only wild chicks on the net. - Marina, Sam & Bethany HOT HOT CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:21 AM 
Nude Camping
 Last summer my girlfriend agreed to model some lingerie for a buddy of mine and myself. I couldn't believe ... READ THE REST HERE. SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:13 AM 
Naked In The Woods
 I enjoy turning people on who like to watch while my guy and I are having sex in the 'hospitality suite' which is where the after party occurs ... READ THE REST HERE. FREE VIDEO CHAT
# posted by Webmaster @ 5:49 AM 
Friday, June 09, 2006
Watch A Real Truth Or Dare Friends Game.
 These friends played truth or dare and videotaped it. It was an awesome video! The are real people and not paid porn stars who play 6 rounds of truth or dare, slowly getting more and more naked until they are dared to kiss, fondle others etc... CLICK HERE and then look on top for -Game 1- Game 2 - Game 3- and then download the free trailers and see if you like it. I guarantee that if you like Truth or Dare then you'll LOVE these videos made by this bunch of friends. It is only $3.95 for the full video but you can watch 1/2 of it first before deciding. Great samples too!! WEBMASTER
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:16 PM 
Girl In Men's Shower
  The girlfriend and I went to Florida for vacation a few weeks ago. The hotel we stayed at had a 24 hour unattended pool. It was a separate part of the buildiing, away from the rooms, so we decided to head down late one night for a swim. We were sitting in the hot tub and I got her to take off her bikini under the bubbles. No one was around, so we were kissing and touching and playing around. We decided to go to bed and she was still really turned on. I decided to dare her to take a shower in the men's changing room. She said no at first, since we might get in some serious trouble, but it was after 11:00, during the week, and we had seen NO ONE the past half hour. So, we showered, bathing suits on, and I tried to get her top off. She finally gave up keeping it on. Next came the bottoms. I had her naked and we showered, having fun. Then we heard the door in the front part of the room open. My girlfriend panicked, looked for anything to cover herself up. She dashed for the towel across the room but she wasn't even close when this older gentleman, wearing a bathing suit walked into the shower area. He jumped a little seeing her, then me, then politely apologized and excused himself. My girlfriend wrapped the towel around herself, blushing furiously, and we left quickly. I never had such great sex in my life. She was embarrassed but incredibly turned on. We're not really into the show off or exhibitionism lifestyle, but she got a small taste and she LOVED it. We took this picture at home to post on your site as a kind of re-creation of that day. - Jim & Karine JOIN THE FREE SEX CHAT ROOMS
# posted by Webmaster @ 11:19 AM 
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Hot Party Sex Pictures
 Great pics sent in by Jeff of his sex party at his dorm. See the pics here.
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:18 PM 
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Student Strips In Norway
 Known as the Jegson Stripper, she tried stripping at the student elections to become school president. SEE PICS SEX PERSONALS
# posted by Webmaster @ 4:32 PM 
Porn Star Nina Says "Hello"
 Hot Porn Star Nina drops by our little corner of the web to say hello. And I like the way she does so too LOL. Check out the full sized picture of her here. HORNY CHICKS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:54 AM 
Holly Strikes Again
 I was so tired after work that I really didn’t want to do the yard work, but it really needed done. By the time I was offered the free dip… I was plenty hot and sweaty. I also didn’t mind the opportunity to get out of working on my yard. I can be so lazy. LOL After making sure the coast was clear I pulled my shorts down. My T-shirt .... READ THE DARE HERE. HOLLY'S DARES
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:17 AM 
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Car Sex
 On OUR flight home from Las Vegas last week, my wife wore a skirt with no panties (based on a promise she made early in the week). The plane had three seats in the row, my wife was in the middle with a stranger in the aisle seat. My wife and I started with some touching under a blanket. The guy next to us had to know what was going on. My wife went to the washroom and came back without a bra (she put it in her purse) which made our touching more fun. We ended up masturbating each other under the blanket. Our friends were in the seat behind us. I don't think they knew what was happening but the guy next to us definitely did. My wife unzipped my pants and gave me a hand job, there was no disguising that. When it was her turn she laid back, closed her eyes and moaned, she didn't care if the guy knew and I think maybe she was hoping he would join in. If she didn't object to that, I wouldn't have. Later a woman that was probably his wife came and was talking to him so maybe she is the reason he didn't join in the fun. My wife had changed into pants at the airport thinking it would be a bit chilly but it was hot and rainy out when we started driving home. My wife got totally naked in the car. We pulled over on a country road and did it on the hood of the car. Not a soul drove by that day. She got dressed for the ride home but flashed me her boobs every 2 miles or so. - Sean & Leanna COUPLES CHAT for TIPS
# posted by Webmaster @ 6:42 AM 
Monday, June 05, 2006
Nude In Germany
**These pics were sent with some text that was obviously translated from another language because it doesn't make much sense. I am guessing German from the sig of the email sent. Here is the text verbatim:
" Castle Ms, with this window blind became it me completely hot, as man sees had I all things outer-pulls himself.. loves greets that castle Ms" **I imagine it would mean - "The Ms is near a castle and became horny. A man saw her with all her bodyparts out and she now loves that castle. " If anyone has a better translation let me know :) But for now enjoy the public nudity. **From Jeff (A reader) - Here is my 2 cents… “as man sees had I all things outer-pulls himself.” I think this part is talking about some guy seeing her exposed and he masturbates (pulls himself).

EDIT: A new pic sent in : Nude in Germany - Pussy Parade..!!!

# posted by Webmaster @ 5:37 AM 
Friday, June 02, 2006
Out In The Open
 My Girlfriend and I were on our blanket with our bathing suits off, necking on a wooded hill side overlooking the bay. My GF said "look!", and I looked down about 100 yards and saw a young man walking and glancing our way. I was sure he had seen us, but since he was below us, he could not really see much. I said, he is far away, lets just put our suits around our legs, and we can pull them up if he comes closer. We resumed necking, and I noticed shortly that her suit was off her legs agian. I did not know what an exhibitionist she was then, but now I realize it is very important to her. When I told her I wanted us to post something on the truth or dare blog site, she said, "sure, if it pleases you." I know that she was just saying that but inside she was thrilled. Anyway, the young man disapeared from our sight, but evidently circled around and came back from the other side and above us. I saw her eyes flash to the left, and followed them, and there he was looking at us from about 12 feet away, in the bushes. I pretended not to see him and kept rubbing and touching her. She loves to be seen naked. This pic is from last week at our back door. - Lydia & James FREE MEMBERSHIP - WATCH PEOPLE GET NAKED!
# posted by Webmaster @ 1:34 PM 
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Hot Krystal Shows Off Her Hot Friends!!!!
Hot Krystal writes us back! "Hello, I am soooo sorry it has taken me so long to write back to you all again. I have been in and out of the doctors and the hospital with really bad pneumonia and stuff for nearly two months. I am feeling much better now. Anyways, .... " KRYSTAL'S PAGE WITH HER SEXY PICS ARE HERE.Below are pics of her Hot Friends: BLONDE AMAZON - CLICK HERE


# posted by Webmaster @ 3:07 PM 
A Real Pro Exhibitionist
 Read how well Suzanne shows herself off. I travel with my husband quite frequently, and we usually stay at residence inns. They always have a happy hour where they serve wine and beer in the afternoons. The one city that we travel to a lot and pretty much use the same hotel my husband loves me being exhibitionist and also entertaining his friends and coworkers ... READ THE REST HERE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:52 AM 
Sent In Without Pics
I had a girlfriend once that wanted so badly to do this, but we never had the extra $$ for the toy. :-(
First off, you buy a strap on butterfly type vibrator with a wireless remote control. These are common and can be found on E-bay for around $40. Your girlfriend straps the vibrator on and you keep the remote. You then go to any public place of your choice. My ex always wanted to do this at Thanksgiving dinner with her family there but I figured a shopping mall would be just as fun. Anytime you want to give her a little BUZZ, you just push the button and make her smile. The whole night it stays your little secret, if she can control herself, no one has to know about it. Someone PLEASE take this dare and be sure and post pics of your girl "strapping in" and maybe a picture of her in public when you give her the BUZZ. BONUS! Buy two and get your girl and one of her girlfriends to buzz each other in public!! Or as a side dare, make her take the remote to a cute stranger in a store and tell him whats going on and ask him to push the button! The possibilities are endless!! - Anon FREE VIDEO CHATA couple of months ago, we took a ride out to Santa Monica beach late one night. I made her wear this mini dress, which I then removed once we hit the beach. We walked down to the nearest lifeguard tower and she dropped to her knees and took my whole cock into her mouth. although there was nobody around that we could see, knowing that somebody could be watching made her so fucking horny. She bent over the rail of the tower and I fucked her hard from behind, making her moan and scream. By the time we got back to the car my huge load had drained drained down her thighs. three young guys were walking by as she bent over the back seat looking for a rag to clean herself up with, giving them a perfect shot of my creampie. Before she had a chance to find the rag I leaned over and started to eat her cum-filled pussy right there on the street. We drove home on the 10 with the interior light on and her tits hanging out of the dress. - Anon
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:19 AM 
Sex In Public
 Hey, great site. Here is a pic of my buddy and his girlfriend after a night of hard partying! We left the club and didn't even make it to the car when they started having sex on the street/sidewalk. Actually it was more of an attempt since they were pissed drunk. But we got some good pics of them and had a great laugh the next day when we showed them. He didn't care but she turned red! They let us put up this pic of the ones we have since it doesn't reveal thier identity. Please reply when it's up. - 2MuchCrew WATCH PEOPLE HAVE SEX FREE.
# posted by Webmaster @ 10:03 AM 
Sunny Completes Her dare Challenge!
 Sexy picture of Sunny completing the " Dare To Be Bare" challenge for girls. See her picture here. There is also a dare for men page here. SEX PERSONALS SITE
# posted by Webmaster @ 7:19 AM 
