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Carol-Ann from the old yahoo group Carol-Ann

Thursday, October 27, 2005



To this day I still have never quite forgiven Erica for the way she turned on me at the laundry mat dare. I finally came up with a plan to get even with her. Last night we went out to the bar and were have a great time. It was girls night out and we where having fun. Perhaps a little bit too much fun. After much debating I finally convinced Erica to enter a bet with me.

The bet we made was to see which one of us could get the most drinks bought for us by strangers at the bar. When we tried to figure out what the bet would be I immediately suggested that the loser would have to a dare of the winners choice. Erica wouldn’t go for this. She said she would only play along if we determined the dare first. We finally came up with this dare. The loser would have to get there picture taken nude. All in all a great plan I thought except for the fact I forgot that the winner would be very drunk by the time the night was over.

We left for the bar and where having a great time. I didn’t take much to get a guy to buy me drink. Then Erica found someone and the game was on. We must have stayed at the bar for a good four to five hours. When we finally left we where both smashed and I had FINALLY WON A BET!!!!!!! I was so excited. This was the first time that I had won a dare bet and I could wait to make her pay.

Erica looked pretty nervous but as I said before we were both smashed and the whole thing started to become really funny to us. Once we got back to our apartment I raced for the camera. This is when Erica decided that she wasn’t going to make good on her bet. I quickly told her that a bet is a bet and I remembered her making me do something a whole lot worse then posing for a camera. She finally agreed to do it but only if when we where complete I would erase the pictures.

I had a lot of fun on the photo shoot. We took pictures from many different places in our apartment. I was having so much fun I even posed for a few pictures myself. When the drinks finally sank in Erica decided she had to go to the bathroom. When she was in the bathroom I switched memory cards in the camera and was able to keep a copy of the pictures. She really thinks that I erased all of the pictures. Little does she know. But now it is my time to get even so I decided to post her pictures on this site. Here they are.

While I was writing this note I finally mustarded up the courage to post my own pic. I had been getting so many requests that I finally gave into peer pressure and here it is. I hope all of you enjoy it.



Hot Wife Was Dared To Post Her Pic

I dared my wife to pretend sleep and let me snap a pic. I thought she'd be too chicken to do it. She dared me back to post it on the web... I found the T or D site and challenged her to post it herself, if she was so bold. She did! I was shocked. When we saw it we both were kinda shocked and very excited at the same time. This time (after a healthy romp!) I put forth the dare to see who can post he nastiest pic but neither can show the other first... the winner has to take the next dare. So, here's mine.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Wife Paints the House in the Nude

I just received this email from a guy who took pics of his wife painting the house totally nude. This is all he wrote, "wife dared to paint in the nude " .... but his wife naked speaks for itself.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Erotic Birthday for my Wife!!

A New Story and pic is up called


Click on the link to check it out.

It was posted by a man named bobjones who wrote this down 2 years ago and created a yahoo group to show off his wife. The group is gone now - most of the good ones are - but not before he gave permission to some of us to post his wife's real pic and story.




Sunday, October 16, 2005


Husband Dared Me to Sleep Exposed

my husband dared me to pretend to sleep exposed and let him take a pic... he said he thought i was too shy to ever. well i told him i thought him too chicken to put it somewhere on the web if i let him. he said if i'm so bold for me to do it... well here it is!

Truth or Dare Questions

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Cash for Ass?

I am aroused just writing about this experience again. I was at bar on the beach with some friends, and I went off on my own for a while. When I went looking for them, they left, & I had a voice mail on my cell phone saying they didn't knwo where I was, but to call them when I got the message. When I did, they were almost home, so I said I'd see if I could find a ride from someone else first. I went up to this guy who I was talking to for a bit & asked if he could drive me home. He said he would love to, but when I told him where I lived, he didn't want to drive that far. After some begging, he agreed & drove me home. He was a really sweet guy, & seemed genuinely nice. When we got to my house(My parent's at the time actually), I asked if I could have his address so I could send him some gas money. He refused, saying that my money wasn't good. He said my number would be fine as a payment, but I was going back to school in 2 weeks, so that didn't work either. Finally I just leaned over, undid his shorts, & started blowing him. He came in about 2 minutes, then I asked if that was good enough for payment. He was shocked, but gave me his number & said to give him a call if I ever needed a ride, no matter how far.


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