Hello Dare Master,
This here is a picture of my wife in the shower giving me her hand and telling me to 'go to hell' with an embarrassed smile on her face. I think she's beautiful and asked her for a full week if I could post this online since her face was hidden and after that amount of pleading she agreed. Before doing so she asked why I'd want her picture up for all to see and I told her what a turn on it would be to see her take a dare like that. She said, "ok, if you really want to" and I kissed her and said that I'd be doing it in a few days. I wanted to give her time to back out if she was really uncomfortable. At night she kept asking, "is it online yet?" and I could swear I could hear a bit of excitment. I hope it is posted soon because I have a feeling we'll be in for some great night fun when it is. - Jony