Victoria Nude

Victoria Nude

Hi Webmaster,

My wife, Victoria, has no ideal of how attractive she is. She honestly believes that men are just being nice to her because that is how we are and that we have no ulterior motives. She really does not believe that men find her attractive. Her naivety places her in situations where men get to see her naked or partially naked because she cannot believe that men are as interested as I say she is. thinks men are just trying to help her to be nice and that these men are not trying or would want to see her naked.

It started on our honeymoon. She did not believe me that she could not have all the windows open with the strong ocean breeze because the breeze would blow the micro blinds open and people would be able to see straight into the bedroom. While she was showering, I went to the store. When I came back, I noticed a large group of college guys standing in front of a window. At first, I had no idea it was our window until one of guys pointed “kindly” pointed out what they were looking at. It was a beautiful blonde-haired woman with her back to us and she was standing in front of a mirror trying on bathing suits. Her butt was phenomenal. You could see her front hips and breasts in the mirror. I eventually made it up to her face, and when I did, I realized that this was my new wife. I realized this at the same time that she finished the show and the guys quietly left the scene.

When I came in, she had on the small bikini she had just put on. She asked me if I thought it was to revealing. Before her little show, I may have thought so, but now after all those guys saw her naked (8-10) I figured it did not much matter.

When we were on the beach, she would always put a cover-up on before she got up or we took a walk because she is that modest. One time I almost yelled that it did not matter because everyone had already seen her naked. She also would get a little cross with me because I insisted on using AC the rest of the trip and accused me of being paranoid about the blinds. I did not say anything to her because if she knew, she would have made us leave. Over the rest of the week, several of the guys from the window congratulated me on being so lucky. At some point, I realized that I was lucky and that her little show made me love her that much more.

Our bedroom in our home is about three stories above the street, and over time there were a few instances where she turned the blinds the wrong way. Most of the time it was just me out front of our home and after peeking a little while, I would go upstairs and fix the blinds. One evening, a new house was being built across the street. There were several construction workers looking up at our bedroom. There was my tiny, naked wife in the window. I told the guys that the show was over and went upstairs to my wife. She wanted to get to the store because we had a wedding to go to and she was trying on various underwear with different dresses and she realized that she needed a new strapless bra. I asked her how long she had been trying these things on and she said about a half and hour. I figured I better keep quiet about the guys but I fixed the blinds and removed the rods that allow you to change their direction.

This leads to the last straw where I surrendered and let my blinds and curtains phobia be cured. My wife agreed to get her picture taken at one of those vintage photo places you find at the beach. It was late and she had been drinking. We were the only customers. Since we were the only customers, and there were four employees (all college age men) one of the guys told her to get undressed and that they will bring her some outfits. One of the guys went back and asked her if she was a 2 or a zero. I noticed that he did not come back out and I thought I would go in the back to check on Victoria. The dressing room was in the storage area in the back of the store. The whole area was dark except for the changing room. There must have been several 100 watt bulbs in the dressing room. The dressing room walls were pegboard, the kind with holes so you can hang hooks. The curtain was short, did not close the whole way and was opaque. The back wall was a full length mirror. I saw that guy staring at Victoria’s breasts as they were reflected in the mirror. He mentioned to her that unless she was wearing thong underwear, that she should remove her underpants too. TOO, he knew that she did not have her bra on. Victoria proceeded to drop her shorts and underwear and was totally naked. The worst thing is that this guy was staring at her and she did not know it.

I decided I needed to protect her. I went to the dressing room and warned her about the curtain. She covered herself up when I stuck my head in, like me seeing her naked was a big deal. She told me that I needed to seek professional help for my curtains phobia. I stepped away pissed. I was trying to protect her and she accused me of having psychological problems. I told that guy to “Go for it, you guys can look as much as you want.” They were off to the races. (I noticed later that one guy switched the sign to closed for when we were there because he changed it back to open when we left.) They kept bringing her skimpier outfits and conveniently kept leaving the curtain opened a little wider each time. These four guys were just staring at Victoria totally naked. When she was raising one outfit over her head, one guy ran off to the bathroom in a hurry and the other guys started laughing at him. When he came back later they were teasing him about losing it and they were not talking about his dinner. Somehow, my wife was unaware of all of this and mistook all of this attention for excellent customer service. She had been drinking and I know that all the light in the dressing room prevented her from seeing what was going on in the dark storeroom. After the 8th outfit, she said that was enough outfits. She was unsure of the current one because she thought too much of her rear was hanging out. One of the guys said he would check for her and he opened the curtain before she put the top on. He checked out her butt and had his hands all over it while trying to “fix it”. Victoria did cover her breasts after he opened the curtain so I now figured she really did not believe me that these guys wanted to see her naked. I now felt guilty and this guy was groping her butt. She thanked him but said she would prefer the other outfit.

While she was fixing her hair, the guy that touched her butt informed everyone that Victoria’s butt was the best one he has ever seen or touched. He mentioned about how firm it was and they all thought her tan lines were great. They asked me how old she was and when I said 36 they accused me of lying. (Victoria was carded at the restaurant that night.)

When the picture was getting ready to be taken, Victoria was worried that her breast would pop out or that someone would look up the short skirt. I told her not to worry, that everyone “Probably had it out of his system.” She looked at me like I was weird but worried about her breasts popping out during the picture.

When she was done, everyone hurried to the back for their last viewing.

A week later, I told her about the blinds from our honeymoon and bedroom. I did not tell her about the photo place right away. Somehow, the idea that around 20-30 guys have gone to such extremes has given her the confidence to loosen up.

She has allowed me to “recreate” some of the scenes and take her picture. I am allowed to share them with you as long as I do not show her face. Not showing her face is a shame, because she does have a face like an angel. Be honest in what you see. If there are favorable comments, I may get better results, negative comments and we will not subject you to anymore sightings of Victoria.

I will have to send the pictures in a couple of Emails.


Robert E - luvdawife @

Victoria Nude

Victoria Nude

Victoria Nude

Victoria Nude

Victoria Nude

Victoria Nude

Victoria Nude



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