Risque Couple

Young Wife Pussy - Risque Couple

Dear Truth or Dare Pics,

My wife and I have recently found your site, and we really, really enjoy it. We have an absolutely amazing sex life and love to continuously push our limits. We are always up for trying anything new and adventurous. Some of our more risque sexual experiences have included sex in lots of exciting places, anal sex, and even some threesomes.

We have taken pictures of ourselves before, but until now my wife has never been up for letting anyone else see them. Well, she has agreed to try it for my birthday because she knows how much it is going to turn me on, so we have included some pictures of her for our first post.

I know that she will get some really good feedback from everyone, and that will make her want to post more pics. We have made a list of dares for her (or us) to do for future pictures, but we would love to get some more ideas from other people. We are really looking forward to receiving a lot of e-mails with dare ideas, picture requests, and feedback on what you think of my wife. We would also love to look at any pictures that any other couples want to send us.

This first set of pictures that we are posting includes 2 dares that she has completed for me. One set of them involves her sitting nude in front of the computer looking at your website. The other set is from our most recent adventure; the movie theater.

We arrived early at a recent movie and decided to have some fun. My wife wore a skirt with no panties on underneath, since she knows what that does to me. The risque pictures that you see here led to me going down on her before the movie began. I had to stop when people began arriving, but we were able play with each other through most of the movie, and then we had an amazing night of sex when we got back home.

We always have the most amazing sex after all of our risque adventures. Some of the best sex we have ever had came right after we played truth or dare or had a threesome. Most of the foreplay in our threesomes comes from playing truth or dare. Right now we are looking for a really fun couple that we can play truth or dare with and possibly experiment with some "light" swinging.

I can't wait to see our pics on your website, and we look forward to receiving a lot of feedback.

Please be sure to post our e-mail address with our post so that we can receive feedback from everyone. Please send all feedback, ideas for future pics and dares, and pictures of your own to risqueadventure @ yahoo.com


Risque Couple

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Risque Couple

Risque Couple

Risque Couple

Risque Couple



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