Hi Webmaster,
Since discovering your site we have become somewhat 'braver' sexually and it's about time. My husband and I have been married 10 years so we needed a little extra something. We went to a party at a friend's place on Saturday and had a great time. We met a couple, around our age who we both found to be funny, outgoing and attractive to both of us ( there was nothing sexual implied but you gotta love it when that happens). So we ended up talking all that night and had a wonderful time. We liked them and fantasized about them when we got home but figured that they were probably oblivious.
We exchanged e-mails and contacted each other the next day, just to say thanks and we should get together again some time.
Well, last night I was working at home and I finally got my instant messanger working as I Had been having problems with it. They came on line and we started to talk. It was great, we had a lot of fun, and the husband felt we were a 'breath of fresh air.' I asked him what he meant, and he said that they liked the fact that we were open, could have a good time, and wasn't weird like most other people they met.
So during our long chat we started talking a little sexually as a joke at first but they got right into it with us. Long story short we ended up sending them pictures that we took on the spot and they did the same with the female half. It was wild. I attached the pictures we sent them but can't send theirs obviously sorry. We plan to chat again soon and I can't wait. We'll see where this leads but for now thanks for the site, we wouldn't be having this much fun without it.