Diego & Maya - 7

Diego & Maya


Diego here, telling you about the latest thing Maya did for me. I know normally Maya writes up the dares we partake in, but this one is better told from my perspective. Sometime ago Maya and I picked up a book called 101 Sexy Dares by Laura Corn (I highly recommend it for couples, especially the ones who post regularly on this site). We intend to post all 101 when we do them, so we will have lots of material. The other day Maya surprised me with one of them. I had not seen it because the dares in the book are sealed until you rip them open. So without further ado here is the story of the most awesome phone call I have ever partaken in.

I am in my Organic Chemistry Class bored out of my mind, when all of a sudden I get a text from Maya who had decided to stay at home that day. The text read “Be sure to call me when you are 10 minutes away from my house.” I thought nothing of it and went back to taking notes on the various reactions an Alkyl Halide can under go (boring I know! But I need it to get into medical school). After class I text Maya I am on my way and get in my car and start driving to her house. I put on my headset so I could legally call her when I was 10 minutes away. So about ten minutes from her house I call her. I said “You wanted me to call you?” She responds “I need your help with something.” But her tone is a little sexy.

I say “Sure I can help you when I get there,” but then I hear an all too familiar buzz noise on the phone. A little startled I ask “Are you playing with your self, that sounds like White Lighting (the name of her vibe).” She responds “I’ll call you back.” At this point she hangs up and I am left to ponder the nature of the buzzing noise I had just heard. As I am sitting in traffic, I get another call from Maya. She says “Hurry up and get here as fast as you can” and I here the buzzing noise along with a moan. At this point I am still a bit confused and ask once again “Are you playing with yourself?” The only answer I get is a louder moan. A few seconds later she says “Hurry I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.” At this point I am flying down the freeway with a massive hard on in my pants. It was so hard that it felt like it would burst out of my pants!

Anyways as I race down the freeway Maya’s breath gets heavier and her moans increase in pitch. I get off the free way and feel like I am stopped by every red light and old lady walking across the street, meanwhile Maya is yelling “Hurry I am gonna cum soon!” When I park to in front of her place, I let her know I am there. She responds “The gate is open come on in” and hangs up. I sprint to her place and go up the stairs to her bedroom to find her there legs in the air hammering away at her succulent pussy with her vibe. I am confused as to what to do at the point so I leave my clothes on and start to suck her breasts. After playing with her for a bit my dick is crying out for attention so I just about rip my clothes off and before I know it Maya is sucking my penis. After that it turns into a blur and after I give her a few stacked orgasms, I blow my load. It was such an amazing experience. If this is what the dares from the book are going to look like I am excited to do all 101.

Diego and Maya

PS. Feel free to email us at nightcrawler880 @ gmail.com

Diego & Maya

Diego & Maya

Diego & Maya

Diego & Maya

Diego & Maya



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