Hi Webmaster,
One night me and my wife were out at a "couples" party and it was the first one we ever went to. At first it was a little aquard but we were able to settle in and got to know everyone. After a while and a few drinks things started to get a little hot at the party. As the party was going on me and my wife started to watch this one couple that was really starting to get into it (heavy kissing and fondeling) and it started to turn us on. After a while the couple realized that we were into them they asked us to follow them into another room. We all started to talk and grow interest in eachother. After a little talk and relaxation the couple suggested that we start to get intamate and watch one another to highten the pleasure. Well we agreed and me and my wife first just started to watch them as they went at it. It wasent to long before me and the wife were joining in and doing our own thing. From there I would have to say that It was probably one of the best nights of sex ever. Just knowing that there was someone else next to us while we were going at it was amazing. Well here are the pics I ended up taking of us that night hope you enjoy.
- Party Couple dpo_3425 @ yahoo.com