Cash for Ass

Naked Girl - Cash for Ass

I am aroused just writing about this experience again. I was at bar on the beach with some friends, and I went off on my own for a while. When I went looking for them, they left, & I had a voice mail on my cell phone saying they didn't knwo where I was, but to call them when I got the message. When I did, they were almost home, so I said I'd see if I could find a ride from someone else first. I went up to this guy who I was talking to for a bit & asked if he could drive me home. He said he would love to, but when I told him where I lived, he didn't want to drive that far. After some begging, he agreed & drove me home. He was a really sweet guy, & seemed genuinely nice. When we got to my house(My parent's at the time actually), I asked if I could have his address so I could send him some gas money. He refused, saying that my money wasn't good. He said my number would be fine as a payment, but I was going back to school in 2 weeks, so that didn't work either. Finally I just leaned over, undid his shorts, & started blowing him. He came in about 2 minutes, then I asked if that was good enough for payment. He was shocked, but gave me his number & said to give him a call if I ever needed a ride, no matter how far.


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