central jill



BY: Jill

Since my wave running dare I have been thinking about another dare to do. I just had just never got up the courage to try another one. Then it happened. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon and Erica was out of town for the weekend. There was a knock on my door. As I opened the door I saw Mike standing there with a smile on his face. I asked him how he was doing and what he was smiling about. He told me that it has been awhile since my last dare and it was time to do another one, so I invited him in to talk it over. I was pretty bored that night so I asked him what he had in mind. He told me that it was a surprise and all I needed to do was to come with him.

I felt pretty nervous about not knowing what he was planning on making me do. I don’t know why I even came along but as I said before Mike seems to have some power over me that I just can’t say no to. As we drove down the road I kept on trying to figure out what he had in mind. All he would say was “You will find out the details in a while. In the meantime sit back and enjoy the ride”. We finally arrived at one of the local bars in town. Mike told me that we were going to go inside and have a couple drinks to calm my nerves. By now, I know Mike fairly well and I knew that was not exactly what he meant. He also thinks he knows me pretty well I know he thought that I would get more brave when I had few drinks in me.

We sat in the bar for about three hours drinking as much as I wanted. Mike would buy me as many or whatever kind of drinks I wanted. Finally he told me it was time to leave. As I stood up from the table I realized that his plan had worked perfectly. I had quite the buzz going. As we walked across the parking lot to his car I demanded to know what his plans were or I wasn’t going any farther. He just told me to be quiet and get in the car. As I climbed into the car I realized that apparently he knows me better than I thought he did. I actually started to find all of this suspense exciting. I could feel the adrenalin flow through my body. I could not wait to find out what my dare was.

We finally pulled into someone driveway. We left the car and walked up to the front door and Mike rang the bell. As the door opened I immediately recognized the guy who answered. It was one of the guys from my wave-running dare. We went in and joined the party. There were about five people inside all of whom I recognized. I started to get an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I immediately asked for a drink. I figured that if this was going to be the place where my dare was to happen then I better get a few more my drinks into my system. After about an hour this place had started to fill up with people, about a 70/30 ratio of guys to girls. I had finally calmed down and I was starting to become my drunken loud self again. This must have been Mike’s cue because he approached me shortly and told me to follow him. Once we got aside from everyone he told me that I was finally ready for the details of my dare. He told me that he was in a poker game in the one of the back rooms and I had to go join in.

The only catch was he gave my $20.00 and once that was gone I had to ask the group if I could use my clothes as payment in lieu of money. This dare wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. At least I had a chance to hold on to my clothes all I had to do was not lose. It seemed too easy. To bad I was really drunk by now, so my judgment was not exactly the best.

I followed my instructions and went in to join the game. I asked what the stakes were and if I could join. The group agreed and sold me $20.00 in chips. I did fairly well for about the first half hour. I even won a couple of nice pots. I could tell the guys didn’t like to get beat by a girl. Then my luck started to change. I lost about six hands in a row and was almost out of money. Everybody at the table was in a lot better mood now that I had started to lose. When I was down to my last few chips I told the guys that I was having too much fun and I didn’t want to quit.

I asked them if there was anyway I could keep playing without any money. Of course this was Mike’s cue and he spoke up. He said “I think that the table will agree that if you are willing to use your clothes as payment then we will let you play”. I pretended that this was not even an option, but then I finally agreed to there terms if they would shut the door to this room. I asked how was I suppose to bet and after some discussion it was determined that each pot would cost me an article of clothing if I lost. This seemed more than generous so the game was on. The only catch I found out was that I had to pay the ante up front.

The first hand was dealt and I placed one of my shoes into the kitty. Of course I lost. In fact, I lost the first four hands so quick I didn’t know what hit me. I was down to my shirt, shorts, panties, and bra. I was starting to get nervous now. Anything I lost from here on out would start to expose me. The next hand was ready to start and the dealer said “Everybody ante up”. Then it hit me. I had to take something off. I looked around and figured that I would take my shorts off first. After all we were all sitting at the table and nobody could see me. I placed my shorts into the kitty and the game was on. I finally won a hand and had some money to play with. I even had my shorts back. I didn’t bother to put them back on I figured that they were already off so what would be the difference. Everybody in the next round must have had some good hands because before I knew it all of my money was gone and I was forced to place my shorts back into the pot. Once again I lost. For the next hand I took my shirt off and placed it into the kitty. Don’t ask me why I took off my shirt instead of my bra all I can say is that I was still way to drunk to have any kind of logic going through my brain. Once again I lost. Now I was in trouble. In order to get into the next pot I had to remove either my bra or panties. All eyes were focused on me to see what I was going to do. They must have all been wondering whether or not I would keep on playing. I wondered that myself too, then I heard Mike voice. “Pay up Jill, it is time for the next pot”. I used that same logic as earlier and reached under the table and took off my panties and threw them in the pot. Still nobody could see anything and we started to play.


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I was concentrating on the game so hard that I had not noticed that the door to the room had opened and people where starting to come in to see the game. In fact before I knew what happened half of the people at the party where now watching the game. Once again I lost. The next pot cost me everything I had left, including my dignity. I took off my bra and placed it into the pot. I used my hand and arm to could up my breast the best I could but it didn’t cover much. Once again I lost. I was now completely naked in a room filled with people. I told everyone I was done because I had nothing left to lose. I wanted to get up and leave so I asked the boys for my clothes back. They all agreed that nobody had seen me completely naked yet so I needed to get up and stand on the table and give them all a show before I left. Not exactly what I had in mind on my list of top ten things I needed to do at this party but I wanted my clothes back so I slid out my chair and climbed up on the table. As I stood there spinning in a circle the crowd went wild there was lots of cheering and whistling going on.

I climbed down off of the table and asked for my clothes back. Then Mike spoke up “I don’t know about you boys but I won these clothes fair and square and I don’t plan and giving anything back to the loser”. Everyone at the table agreed and my heart dropped. “What I am suppose to wear,” I asked. Nobody seemed too concerned though. They went back to there game and I was left with nothing in a house full of people. I begged Mike for some clothes and he told me to be quiet and just enjoy the party. How was I suppose to enjoy the party I was naked. Anyways I wandered up to the bar and really started to pour the drinks down my throat. All of a sudden I was the life of the party all of the guys wanted to come over and talk to me. I just kept on drinking trying to dull the pain.

I must have been very drunk because much of the night from there on is a blur. From what I understand and from what Mike told me. I really was the life of the party. I was a dancing fool. In fact I apparently even went with a group of people on a Taco Bell run through the drive thru. I really don’t remember too much more.

When morning came I was still naked and sleeping on the floor next to Mike. Apparently Mike is not all evil and he stayed with me all night to make sure nobody took advantage of me. He said the thought crossed his mind many times but he didn’t want to ruin the fun that we were having together. When it was time to go home I had such a headache and Mike would still not give me any clothes. We walled/ran to his car and started to drive for home. I kept on asking Mike how I was suppose to get inside my apartment with no clothes. I told him to run upstairs and get me something to wear but he wouldn’t. We were now in the parking lot of my apartment and I was still completely naked. Mike said good-bye to me and headed up the stairs to his apartment. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t see anybody around at the time so I made a mad dash up the stairs and to my apartment. I only problem was as I rounded the steps on the third floor I ran right in the mailman and knocked him and myself over. As I lay there on the floor naked as a jaybird he just smiled at me. I apologized to him and got up and left. Another thought hit me as I was standing in front of my apartment door. How was I supposed to get into my apartment?

My only key for the door was in my pocket of my shorts that I no longer own. I turned and ran next-door Mike’s place and let myself in. Mike had already gotten in the shower and wasn’t around. I grabbed my spare key, which the boys hold on to for emergencies and headed home. Once I got inside my apartment I just collapsed on the couch. I couldn’t believe what had just happened to my over the last day. I haven’t had a stitch of clothing to wear in over twelve hours. I ran myself a nice hot bath and just relaxed for a while.

centraljill AT yahoo.com



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