We're back! Terry emailing this time. I find it funny, and hard to believe that such a short time ago I was terrified to be seen without clothing. Now, I wish I could be naked all the time!!!! All the positive comments have really encouraged me to be adventurous!! I have had several requests, some we are still working on, so we can post again with a "dare post". Please keep the great comments coming!
If you have checked out my first post, it was suggested that I was Bi-Curious. Just so you know, last weekend I had my first opportunity to, not only be with another woman, but to get hot and heavy with an lots of people watching, including my awesome hubby. He said he had the biggest smile on his face while he watched! I wish we could have taken pictures, but we were at a location that didn't allow cameras!
I hope to hear what you think!
Rick & Terry -