Hello all of you, it's Tracy again. We had a little break in posting, but wanted to make up for it. Dale got an idea for me for next dare. He said that I'm not suppose to wear panties for the whole day long and he will snap a few photos through the day for this site. I found that idea very exciting and very sexy even more when he asked me to wear short skirt and stockings to spice things up.
I really like to be out without lingerie and while I was posing for those photos near the small tree, a young couple was passing by but they had stopped and starred at my bare pussy with smiles on their faces. They said that they really enjoy the show and that I have lovely pussy and they went on their way. It took just a few seconds during which I was like frozen, crouching with my knees apart. It was very exciting and I said to Dale afterwards that I would love to be exposed to the public view. He said that he has something in mind for me, but it must wait for the summer.
From me I would like you to try this no panties day and we both would love to see some photos taken through the day of you or your wife/girlfriend naked ass and pussy under the skirt. It doesn't have to be in public, but going outside with the thought that you're without panties is great!
Tracy -