The weatherman totally lied to me about the weather this weekend, so once again, my "plan" didn't work out. In the mean time, I still managed to have some fun, weird, and embarrassing stuff to document. I'll start with the pics. My hubby has had this little idea for a while now to make a "cast" of my figure to display as art at home.
Well he finally got some molding material to play around with. We figured we'd start small and just do my lady parts to begin with. I can tell you this, it's a very strange feeling as that stuff sets up! We managed to make a successfull "mold", which then got us wondering...... Why not make stuff shaped like my pussy!
I'm thinking candles, or chocolates, or soaps while he's thinking PC mouse covers lololol. Can't you imagine us showing up at the craft fair with 100 assorted "Scarlet pussies"!!!! Lololol. Either way, I figured all of you out there might get a laugh at that. As for the video, he's a sneaky little asshole. We had gone out for a ride that night, and upon getting home this is what he did to me.
He said it was payback for not doing my "planned" dare because of the weather lol. I do have to say though that after the fact, we laughed and laughed replaying it. Once again, it was exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time.
I hope everyone gets some good laughs out of this post, and keep the awsome emails coming!