Hey there everyone! Its been an extremely long time since I've had a chance to post. So to fill you in on these: Recently Hubby and I bought a new summer project car. It's not the best we've ever bought, but the potential is there.
As part of this particular car, he promised to teach me a little about welding since I've always had a interest in it. We had no intention of me getting nude, but after he and I aligned the new (used lol) quarter panel he suggested I take off my bikini and in return he'd let me weld it!
So here it is in all it's glory lol. It was a little iffy at first but after a few pointers and a couple of beers it came along nicely. We had a real blast doing it, and he's been bragging to all his hot rod buddies about his welding wife.
Oh and all I managed to burn on me was the bottom of my foot lolol.
I hope you all enjoy and as always get a little laugh out of the goofy stuff we post.