We would like to thank everyone for all the great compliments. They have got R in an uproar. This is all R wants to talk about when the kids aren't around. Well we had a last min chance to getaway over the weekend due to kids staying the night with friends. So we went to a hunting club we are members of. It has a log cabin and a lake on it so R thought it would be a great chance to take some outdoor pics since a lot of you like the first post. We packed up and went out to eat before heading to the camp. Before we got out of the parking lot R was already stripping in the truck right in the middle of town ( sorry no pics of that camera was in bag). We got to camp and R unloaded the truck while I got a fire going. When R came out she had a new lingerie outfit she had bought that day. She handed me the camera and asked for me to take a few pics. Which I was more then glad to do. After about the third pic we heard a truck in the distance and R went back into the cabin to change. Some other members showed up and the photo shoot was over. We all sat by the fire until the other couple got tired and decided to retire for the night. When R thought it was safe she started to strip and had a different outfit on and asked for a couple more pics before we went in. Needless to say we had some great sex that night. Hope you all enjoy the pics as much as I did. Please send in any request, dares, or comments you have. R is already thinking of next thing she is going to try.