"Ordered to get Naked Day!"

K & E - 1

Naked on a Trail

EMAIL K & E !!   EMAIL K & E


E here. Today was a day of testing my obedience and being able to do as I am told, when I am told (not something I am very good at).

I assumed that the tests would commence once we arrived at our destination WWWWWWRONG. I didn't even get to leave my house before my first order came through via Text, "Wear sweatpants and remove your underwear immediately!" A little unexpected so early in the day, but I complied and went on my merry way.

K and I were 30 minutes drive out from our destinations and had come to a stop at some roadworks. (E was driving might I add) while we waited for the green light I was asked to remove my jacket and tank top. I didn't think K was being serious until I looked at his face and knew he was very serious. With a minor protest I removed my jacket and top and was left sitting in the drivers seat in just a red bra. The light went green and off we went right past a group of roadworkers. I felt my face turn as red as my bra!! I was lucky to get a further 10 minutes driving in before I was told to lose the bra too. I reluctantly handed over my bra and continued to drive. K had an evil grin from ear to ear.

K decides to reach over and start pinching my nipple and then leans in and begins to nibble on them. It wasn't long before it became a little unsafe to continue driving so we pulled off the road onto a secluded track where I was commanded to remove my sweatpants, to which I was more than happy to oblige. K recommences caressing my boobs, taking them in his mouth one at a time as his hands glide down my stomach to my thighs and spreads them open wide to reveal my already dripping wet pussy. (I was a little suprised by how turned on I was at the thought of being caught driving while completely topless) K began to run just one finger through my begging slit which made me cum instantly! A little shocked at how quickly I orgasmed with next to no contact I must say. K leaned over and cleaned up the aftermath of my orgasm with his exceptionally talented tongue, however this only lead to yet another orgasm and another and another. His face drenched in my arousal I pulled his head up and kissed his face clean of me.

I was now permitted to put all my clothing back on and continue to our destination of a national park, with way too many tourists for my liking. Knowing K the way I do I was really nervous about our outing. We arrived and just before I got out of the car I was told that I must reveal my breasts to him periodically through the day when requested without hesitation, and any other orders he felt like. Thinking it doesn't sound so bad I agreed.

The first flash wasn't so bad as there wasn't anyone around. The next couple of times there were a few people around but no risk of them seeing so I was happy to do as I was told. We walked along a track that we had passed a few people coming from both directions when K stopped and ordered me to get completely naked right there and then. I refused on the first request and the second and possibly the third. K's eyes had a wild look in them and I knew that my compliance would please him tremendously so I reluctantly removed all my clothes and stood there naked for him as he took some happy snaps.

He allowed me to put my clothes back on and just in time as an elderly couple came into sight. Turning my back to K we continued to walk as if nothing had happened (however inside I was beaming, and extremely turned on). We had almost completed the walking trail and thinking there couldn't be anymore requests asked of me I was told to drop my sweatpants around my ankle and get down on all fours for K, exposing myself to him and anyone else that cared to walk along the track.

Because I had followed K's orders correctly he gave me a reprieve for the rest of the afternoon to relax and enjoy the day (I was already enjoying it immensely).

The day had come to an end and it was time to head home. I was feeling horny as hell and was really not looking forward to the 2 hour drive home. We got 30mins into our trip home when K asked me to pull over into an unused driving track. I don't think the car engine had turned off before I had K's rock hard cock in my mouth. With my hair in his hand tightly I was assisted in taking every last inch down my throat.

My body ached to have him buried deep inside me. K knew straight away how much I needed to be fucked and fucked hard and gave me one last order to get out of the car, drop my sweatpants and lay stomach first bent over the bonnet of the car. I could not get out of that car quick enough and K followed right behind me. I had barely laid over the bonnet as K placed his hand on the back of my neck and held me in place and slid himself deep inside me hard!! I was even more turned on that K was just as aroused as I was. K proceeded to fuck me for the next hour til we both collapsed in a sweat orgasmic heap on the car!

If I knew just how rewarding doing as I am told was, I would have started doing as I am told sooner.

(K Here. Just an FYI, E squirts, like, A LOT! It makes a terrible mess sometimes.)

K & E - EMAIL ME!!


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