So after going into town we decided to get some lunch and go to the beach. Dare girl decided that she needed to put some sun on those fine titties before we got into our outfits. So we had lunch on the beach since the cafe was on the beach and had a few drinks.
It was a beautiful sight with all of the people around and the ocean in the background. After we had lunch we decided to get beach chairs and see if we could get some sun. After sitting down she was a little nervous but after a few seconds and noticing the girl next to us she got comfortable. She so comfortable that she started walking around and going into the water at first with me then alone. She was starting to like the attention and walked closer to the pier so that she would be noticed. Then she started posing so that the guy on the pier could get good pictures. If you look in the picture of her near the pier you can see people with cameras going.