Holiday Nudes

CQT Rose - 22

Holiday Nudes



Hi TODPeepers! A bright and joyous winter to everyone - unless you're wet, miserable, and freezing - then, I guess we can share each other's misfortune.

It has been quite a long time since my last set of images and literary irritation sent this direction. It's no excuse, but I've been away on sabbatical and at one point was seriously expecting to stop both my pretending to be an erotic author ("available at all major e-book retailers! Except that large A-River place where I continue to refuse to sign an exclusive contract" - just to earn enough for a dollar-menu meal every six to twelve months) and recently found out maybe the writing and the occasional TODP post may have been helping a little with my HSDS/HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Syndrome/Disorder) - so, it looks like I'm back in the saddle.

Speaking of saddles, I should have a "new" old-broken and well-worn one getting published this week covering a very different topic for me - feel free to look me up, and if you have any questions please write (as always, any pictures referenced in my books I readily pass along - because that iFruit e-book retailer rejects my books if I include any significant pictures, so I bend to their will (knowing I can piss off only one big name corporate giant at a time) (Wait! No jokes about me bending over _that_ way for them, dammit!)

So, dang, where to start? As always, the pictures with this post will likely appear in a semi-random fashion, so here goes nothing and welcome to 2017!

I'll get some of the more annoying things out of the way first... and an apology for putting another artsy image up here, because I think my last post I did one as well (farmer Rose seems to ring a bell, but I'm afraid to look back)... it's from some cover work done last year for a different book - and it entailed fighting bugs and a freaking earwig that had his heart set on finding somewhere dark to hide (although that happened later in the shoot as we neared getting the actual image used for Rose Garden - about the time I was in position and had to hold, he makes a break for that little valley south - not on my list of 'favorite memories' from cover work).

Answering all the requests I 'send a selfie' - proof why I don't shoot "selfies" and dislike them - although in this situation, it was needed because I was just hanging out at Kohl's and goofing around since I couldn't find anything that really was 'me' - so I let my husband talk me into considering this particular top... which I had to decline since it has a few problems with my penchant for pain-free upper back and neck (necessitating a braless stance on life). What's bad is the fabric was really soft and comfortable - unfortunately there seems to be a problem with it, but I just can't remember what... I presume it had something to do with the weird neck hole.

A quickie suggesting what I wish I had been doing all summer - although with the 'drought' we had up here in the Pacific Northwest, I at least got out a lot more than most summers for outdoor play (even though this image is indoors for potentially an obvious reason... not that I don't have balls, but, I only show off the kittens if I'm behind in a match and wiping the sweat from my forehead... not that I'd ever do it on purpose... too often.

For those of you just starting your Christmas season (you celebrate the official Vatican calendar), know you're not alone - yes, our Christmas lights are still on, too.

Speaking of holidays, a little lingerie two piece black sheer set that just so happened to have the fold hit perfectly to give me a super-slim waist - thank you random chance!

Last, but certainly not least on my shelf, the cover of my most recent book - just because, a little shameless promotion never hurt anyone (I hope).

If you've read this far, congratulations - and my sympathy - plus to reward your diligence, everyone that writes me over the next couple weeks will be entered into a drawing for a free book (sorry to disappoint you - one of mine) as an apology for my absence and lack of updates for-the-better-part-of-a-pregnancy (Yes, if you had just conceived at the time of my last post, you'd be near term now). (Please note, this means, in addition to my challenges in getting reliable, secure net access - I'll also have to delay while I get more than one response to this post - having a drawing from 'one' entry just isn't very exciting (and, you know who you are - thank you for maintaining the Rose Fan club... all two of you!)

Before I close out this pile of words - a quick call out to any women (or those that know a woman) who might be interested in participating in a book project I hope to get out sometime this year - please contact me so I can give you the sales pitch on why you need to consider being an author - or at least co-author - in the very near future! (No, I'm not selling anything - just looking for some confident (more-or-less!) ladies willing to collaborate on a collection of erotic fantasies and dreams (more of my HSDS therapy - just to give away some more details because I don't write suspense, I pretend to write erotic romance short stories and mommy-porn).

Hugs - (For those still reading and mortally curious, you'll find me listed under Rose Maru)







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