Spring Nudes

CQT Rose - 21

Spring Nudes



Hi TODPeepers! Happy "spring!" At least for what it's worth, because spring hasn't been so springy around these parts, just soggy. (Well, unless you're reading this in the southern hemisphere, then soggy and fall might be the correct weather pattern you're expecting.)

Anyone else find it slightly humorous that (at least over here in the United States) April Fool's Day and Tax Day are practically the same?

I know, just get on with the pictures... which is another irregular mess of randomness - which should be fitting for my style posts.

Someone asked me to post a picture of me only wearing a smile. So found one with an obvious smile and me getting wet, all in the same picture. Never say I don't try my best to satisfy the polite folks that e-mail me.

Had another individual question a piece from one of my erotic story books (A Dozen Roses, the second part to the Farm Boy story - well, I guess the Truth and Consequences section afterward) - and they wanted to see my first adult bikini swim suit (for those not in the know, it's really unusual for me because when I swim, I'm doing laps, not trying to be entertaining - so that was a big change for me. Had to get it for a trip where lap pools wouldn't be as common as 'lounging' pools (whatever the heck those are supposed to be; I found out it means you spend all your time doing kick-turns)). It's nothing fancy - and it turned out most of the pools weren't open when we did get there during our travels. Oh well, no big loss - the weather sucked anyway.

Another couple questions involved any recent 'art poses' that I did and the second one saying "Topless. That's no top. No shower door. No hands covering your boobs. Topless. Boobs! I want boobs! Boobs with nipples showing!" For the benefit of efficiency, I combined the two topics & found a semi-recent, albeit embarrassing pose - not because I was naked outside, but because the wind kept blowing the hair in my face, so I pulled it back. Big mistake for a painting pose. Because I was squinting from the bright light, I got raccoon eyes _and_ a farmer brown hairdo. Yippee. But at least there's boobs... boobs with nipples. And, hey, they look exactly like mine (good thing, too, because I only have two).

Also had several people talking about stockings and fishnets... so to burst all those bubbles, "No" I don't own any, so can't do new pictures with them. The ones I've posted, including this one are all from doing amateur catalog work for photographers' inventory books and test shots. And to prevent eye strain, "Yes" I am bare down there - you can quit looking so close. Not even a landing strip. I've tried to grow it back out, but it starts getting itchy long before there's any real length, and the razor comes out again putting me back to completely smooth. (Wait, is that actually TMI? Dammit, I never know when something is too much information for general public... then again, I mean, my pubic has gone public here, so maybe not.)

I guess that's a wrap (get it? lace-and-sheer wrap?). Until next time...

Oh! If you made it this far, remember, if you or anyone you know or love is facing the challenges of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder/Hypoactive Sexual Desire Syndrome (HSDD/HSDS), feel free to drop me a line and we can commiserate. I have no problems talking about my own challenges with it, which depending on the day range from 'yuck' to 'what?' (Wait - that's all at the end of the alphabet - maybe I need a better set of words).

I will warn you, I just finished putting in lots of extra hours at work, so I should be owed extra time off... so if it seems like I'm not responding to you as quickly as my normal, hang tough - I promise to answer everyone in under seven days (or I'll send you a picture of my boobs, no strings attached, no twist of the phrase, no hiding the nipples - just in your face my chest completely exposed... and I do keep my promises... which is my way of guaranteeing I'll answer you. Well, unless you're really cute and adorable when you write, then maybe I'll hold onto your message just for an excuse to be forced to be a little more revealing... there, how about that? Acceptable to everyone that managed to read this whole unabridged mess of words?) - although I might be getting an unofficial 'vacation' coming up, slowing up my usual "in under three days" answering messages.


(and as the answer to another couple questions after the last post: Maru (because if you're trying to find any of my books, obviously the last name helps) - sorry, never meant it to be cryptic.)





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