Happy Spring Has Sprung TODPeepers!
Hope better weather is finding most folks. Thank you to everyone that wrote concerning my furry Easter problem - I appreciate the compliments on my fine, green, 70's-wildchild grooming habits.
As final evidence on my furriness or lack-thereof, I attached a little picture some funky artistic soul did up using me. If it doesn't turn out and just looks like a naked picture of me, I'm sorry - but in resizing it might funk out the funky fur that was originally applied (you'll have to trust me, then, the original looked hilarious, like I really was a furry Rose - which if you're a rose breeder, I'd like some credit when you design the plant and call it 'The Furry Rose' - or better yet, option to have one! (Because I'd look forward every time when someone asks, "What a beautiful flower! What is it?" "Oh, it's my furry Rose flower - wanna smell it?" Wait, maybe not - that just sounds disgusting. Sorry. Stupid old keyboard where the delete key doesn't work.)
I found an older image of the outfit I talked about last time where I was celebrating the returning Sheer-Is-In fashion along with visible bra thing. It's actually one of my more densely patterned sheer outfits. Oddly enough, I don't have any shots of my better, more cute ones - at least not without other people in the shot that might be recognizable - but I'll keep looking or have one snapped eventually.
Also had some requests for me dropping my pants - 'course, I got confused and also put one on here of me dropping my top, but oh well. Mistakes happen (and unlike Ms. Stone, I know how to keep my knees together... and if I didn't, at least _I'd_ know the difference between you seeing my vulva and you seeing her vagina. Sorry to get all preachy, but, seriously - unless she had some form of medical condition, I don't care how blue your blue-ray is, it's fuzzy, and if anything it's just a glimpse of her vulva - I never once saw her fingers down there yanking everything open so we got the OB/Gyn view of her vagina. We now return you to your regularly scheduled annoying Rosie writes the obvious about her pictures... ) .
Lastly, a wrap shot to wrap things up. I sort of liked it - the lace wasn't as itchy as most, which was cool - possibly why I have a soft smile on my face versus either the all-out smile or the grimace. I do like it when I can just lounge around instead of having to work at being in the right position. "Oh, life is so hard. I must be a cat."
Hope everyone is having a great spring season so far. Hugs - CQtRose
CQT Rose -