PICS of Pantsing Hello everyone. We have a few pages with this theme already but one more won't really hurt ... much. Pantasing for those who don't know is basically pulling down or off someone else's pants. It is usually done as a joke and results in exposure and embarrassment of the person who it happens to. Most people plan it with someone holding a camera ready to capture the event since the person usually reacts quickly to pull their pants back up. - Webmaster Looks like a prison pantsing. Under pantsing. Hot party pantsing. Public pantsing.
Stripping her bare. Sand pantsing.
Loose pants = pantsing. Got her pants up quickly. Great view.
Only a bikini underneath. Domination.
Tag team pantsing Double pantsing.
This is hot. All her friends betray her. Good friends.
Sleep pantsing. Hallway pantsing. Tickle fight.
Why you should never wear underwear. The formula again is: Alcohol + Girls = Nudity Hands full = pantsing potential.
See. Agressive pantsing.
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