Boat Sex - I have some pictures to share with your site My cousin recently came into my life as I knew she existed but we lived so far apart I never got to see her growing up. This past year she got accepted to a university on the west coast and when she moved down my family meet her at the airport. I saw her come out of the gate and thought, 'Holy Shit!' ... she was georgeous! At that point I didn't care that she was my cousin, I was gonna bang her. To make a long story short a few weeks later she was on our boat with me, my 2 friends and her. I had no idea she was a horny devil but aparently she just broke up with her boyfriend back east and was ready to party. I had no objections and with booze, being on a boat, 3 guys hitting on her, her starting a new life one thing led to another and we partied hard! Check out the pics we took. It was a great time. - Kayden