Sorry for the delay in posting and to all who have e-mailed - I do eventually get to reading them all, just haven't had time lately to respond. Been busy with business etc. Hopefully things should settle down in the next few months.
What better to do on a hot summer day than go for a bike ride. I love being outdoors and watching the beautiful scenery. The only thing that makes it better is being able to take my clothes off and possibly talking BF into a little "fun". I am sitting at the computer drinking a glass of wine (wearing a shirt with no bottoms - surprise!) while I send off this post. BF is caressing me as I type (better make this short).
As always, BF and I enjoy your e-mails and like to know which pics are your favourites if any.
Missing posting on TODP!!!
As always, e-mails are welcome and appreciated.
Sarah - todpic @ hotmail.com